Sunday, December 29, 2013

Yet another new beginning ?

  The last year of trying to juggle way too many hobbies and interests has made me step back and take a good look at what I want to do and can ACCOMPLISH as opposed to those that are going to simply be out of reach for a few years. The shakuhachi will always be there although perhaps not as much as I would like. Running....of course! That will be a lifestyle which sticks with me as long as I can move and breathe. After those interests, there are a multitude of others that I don't have time for and seem to always fall by the wayside. Well now I have decided to use the year of 2014 to concentrate on only a few interests. Yes, that can be tough as I'm horrible about sticking to one thing for a long time,with exceptions. That being said, this next year I shall be diving completely into learning Welsh and immersing myself as much as possible. This ancestral language as well as running and playing flutes will constitute the bulk of the year for me. As I learn Welsh, I shall run...hopefully in places like these:

   While I run, and at every moment I get the chance to, I shall be learning as much Welsh as I can. Online,books,software,video,Welsh radio stations,etc. It will be bombarding my ears and senses when possible, making the sub-conscious bend and learn. I won't burn myself out but will spend at least a half hour a day in learning. Hopefully I gain some penpals and Facebook pals in Welsh or in Wales. That way, when I go back to Wales and the land my grandfathers came from, I will be able to speak decently. Here are a few shots from this delightfully beautiful land!

                                         Above is the Norman Keep of Cardiff Castle.

                                  Above is a view of modern Cardiff from the Norman keep .

Above and below are photos of Montgomery,Wales. This small town in the Powys district is where my great grandfather, Joseph Lambert,was born. As I'm still doing the research, not sure how many more family members were living there nor if any continued to do so after they came over to America. Some family tree research will be also on the yearly agenda.

 And while I would love to bike that part of Wales, I'd much rather run it!!!
                          So, there it is. I've been laying out the books and tools needed to spend the next year in these projects.  The following books are on my list to be completed by years end:

* A walk through Wales by Anthony Bailey
*A Pocket guide to the Welsh language by Janet Bailey
*Teach yourself Welsh by TJ Rhys Jones
*A History of Wales by John Davies
*An anthology of Welsh short prose by Meic Stephens
*Wales and the Welsh by Peter Williams
*The Taliesin Tradition and Welsh Identity by Emyr Humphrys
*Lonely Planet's guidebook to Wales

                                   In addition to my lessons,running,work,family and all of the life that keeps me busy, I will try my best to also post at least once a week here on this blog. I don't have many followers but perhaps someone will find things interesting nonetheless.

Friday, December 20, 2013

The year 2013 in review.

             What an amazing and wonderful year this has been! It isn't over yet but the next few weeks should be a bit less dramatic and more low key. So I figured this would be a grand time to type up how the year went. It truly was one of the best years of my life. In fact, the last five have been monumental for me and this year proved to be exceptional.

              I started the year with high hopes of learning an instrument that still gives me shivers and joy every time I hear it: the Great Highland Bagpipes. So I set out to give this instrument a shot. At the same time , the Irish tin whistle also attracted to me as did a more detailed study of Celtic music and how it influenced the lands from which my ancestors came...Wales,Scotland and England.
               The bagpipe study didn't go too well though. Not only was it a bit more difficult to play for me and these wee hands but it was quite loud for an apartment. The tin whistle on the other hand has proven to be a delightful instrument that I've stuck with and enjoyed.

                  Many who know me well understand I have a rather short attention span when hobbies and projects are concerned. No sooner than I have started one thing, I want to pursue another. So back to shakuhachi I went. This flute has been with me for years now and I just come and go with it, learning new things along the way. Again, I went devouring all I could and then settling into practice and enjoyment.

                   In March I started to wear the kilt. This was a new revelation to me and a grand way to get in touch with my Scottish heritage and be proud!! After a few months I had four kilts in my wardrobe and continue to wear them at least once,sometimes twice or three times a week. Another kilt is on it's way,one that celebrates my Welsh heritage and will be worn proudly out and about.

                  This past year I tried to keep myself running the best I could. Due to a different schedule from the previous year, I was not able to run as many miles. But I DID run well at many races and placed a few times in my age group. Hopefully 2014 will see me back to 2012 race form. Part of the problem with my running was due to increased activity in my own body, that of arthritis and sciatica.
Both have proved to be worse this year than any previous in my short lifetime. They both are very painful and make running,sometimes walking even, a real chore. Some days I cannot run and it is really difficult for me as I LOVE to run. It is a part of my life and I shall always do my best to keep doing so.

                    The year 2013 saw quite a number of tattoos inked to my canvas and these have been a wonderful and colourful addition. For photos,check back earlier in the year.

                    Towards the end of the year I was able to re-start learning Welsh again.I shall give it a try again although now I have some online resources not available last time. Perhaps 2014 will have me speaking and writing a bit of the language used by my great great grandfather, who lived in Montgomery, Wales.

                     Finally, I decided to give the beard a try. This time I wanted to start it in November and keep it until the Super Bowl, in February of 2014. Today marks 30 days, one month, of growth. It is actually something I'm enjoying and fortunately I don't look all that bad in it. There were a few major reasons I didn't grow a beard until my 47th year, but they don't matter now. All that matters is how it looks and feels in a few months and if I keep it.

                                                              This first pic is day 4

                                                           Then here is day 16.

                                                                 Then day number 23
                                             I shall post a new photo on January 1st,2014.

                     As I end 2013 on a very high note, I cannot be any happier. Surrounded by the love of the ladies in my life, I cannot help but be !! They get me through life, every day making me proud of who I am and what I do. Add to this the mindfulness and education in matters of awakening and inner journeys and I see the next year being an even greater one.

                                                                         Day 20
                          (Out shopping with the ladies who make me the happiest guy on earth!!)

                      I shall change up this blog for 2014 and begin with a new theme. What goals will I set for myself?          Check back just after the first of the year and see!!!!