Sunday, February 23, 2014


                                       What really IS a reinvention of one's self? I like how Wiki How puts it:
"Reinventing yourself doesn't mean taking baby steps to become a slightly different person -- it means diving into a new and improved version of yourself head-first. Truly reinventing yourself, whether you want to change your career, your outlook, or the way you view your relationships, is hard work, but it pays off tenfold. If you want to reinvent yourself, you have to make a game plan, address your flaws, and never stop learning."

                                         Part of this I find very true. A new and improved person and one that dives in to it. Making plans for the future, well  yes, to a degree. Although I prefer to live in the moment more now and enjoy every second possible that I can as a good and kinder person. But it is true that we need to have some future planning. Then there are the small changes we wish to make. These can small to us but enormous to others. Here is where I have concentrated my efforts over the last five years. The first change was in leaving behind a religious organization that had been a part of my life since age six and had really become a large monkey on my back. In 2008 I made this decision to leave and have not looked back. It was a monumental turn in my life and is largely responsible for making me who I am today. The reasons I did so are not really valid here and I won't divulge them unless asked privately. But let's just say that the hold and control it had on me and my life was strangling, keeping me from being the REAL James.

                                          Secondly, I changed my name from it's diminutive of "Jim" back to the proper and full name of James. Seem small or insignificant? Not to me, as a man of Scottish,English and Welsh descent. It's action indeed changed the way others addressed me. Yes, some still call me by the former,especially if they have not seen me for years. And that is fine. But my full legal and three named address is used now.I feel so much better using it.

                                          Staying motivated after making the changes was an issue for me. I always have craved learning new things but tend to get bogged down and lose interest. This time I was determined to find something that would lead me daily in bettering myself, in becoming a changed man. And one day in Powell's Books I ran across a book about mindfulness,love and compassion. This book was written by the Dalai Lama, a man whose works I was forbidden to read while within the previous religious faith. I devoured it like a starving man. I didn't expect to become a Buddhist like the Dalai Lama nor to even read much more. But I read all I could get my hands on. And I learned so much in those first few months that it really changed me and my thought patterns. I really changed as a person with more concern for others and not my own self. For peace, love, compassion and mindfulness. And to NOT judge any others.

                           These were NOT words that I was taught growing up. I demanded more knowledge and dove right in. In addition to learning as much about this as I could, I did it while advancing my running and general healthiness. This kept me motivated and as my body got stronger, so did my mind and heart.  I LEARNED so much more in those first five years and continue to now.

                                                                       So the start of my own reinvention had occurred. I was now changing in so many ways and with better, more valuable paths ahead of me. I started each and every day with a renewed sense of joy and outlook. Before, it was one of dread that each day I might not measure up to others standards and make it to a future life. Ugh. Now I would not be worried about such things. I would enjoy and love this life I have as well as all of the people therein.

                                                                       The years of 2012 and 2013 were by far the most incredible with amazing events enriching my life. In 2014 I continue to change. This year, I started to grow a beard, yet another experience that was verboten in the past belief. Yes, strange as it sounds, it was not allowed. Now, I'm free to grow one. I did this for 60+ days and regretfully shaved it off about four weeks ago. Now, I'm 14 days back into it and am loving the return of the facial reinvention. It has been invigorating and illuminating for sure. I can actually disappear in a city I've lived in for almost thirty years and not be recognized. Not that I WANT to be unnoticed but it does give one a sense of starting over in a new city or state.     

                                                  As many of my friends also know, I started to have some tattoo work done as well. This was a no-no as well in the past and I indulged deeply with a LOT more ink than I ever dreamed I would. And today I realized a goal of having a new face inked on my body. One that has taught me many things and to become a more balanced person in this world today.

                                              This kind and gentle face of Buddha does not make me a Buddhist. Not at all. It DOES show my respect for the Buddhist philosophies I have taken to heart as well as the mindfulness and meditation that I can call my own. 

                                               Reinvention??  We all do it at sometime in our lives and even more than once. Some reinvent every decade or less. As for myself, I will be constantly changing and bettering myself at each possible chance. Why go backwards when forward is so much healthier and joyful?
This reinvention of mine is always going to be a work in progress and will never be complete, only time periods of inactivity as life happens.
                                        Namaste and peace to all of my family and friends. __/|\__

  P.S.---- No Welsh or running in this blog post. I think there have been way too many posts with those subjects alone and promise to change and blog about other things as well. Not a guarantee but I can at least give it my best shot.  :-)



Sunday, February 9, 2014

Diolch for the snow and ice storm!!

Here in the Pacific Northwest, winters are not as harsh as the other locations across the US. Especially in the Portland/Vancouver area and along the coast. But, every five to ten years we get hit with something and this was the year. We had more snow fall in the last few days than in the past 21 years. Needless to say, it certainly cripples a region that is not prepared for such events. We had a mere 9" at the apartment complex and this photo I took was before round three of snow and then freezing rain, which coated everything with a thick layer of ice.

This has made travel a mess and most of us stay inside unless absolutely necessary. The negatives are the usuals: cabin fever, not able to get out when one wants,worry about friends and family.
The positives: time to run in the snow (which I was able to do TWICE before the ice arrived) and and time to study Welsh!! This has turned out to be a grand thing as I was at a brick wall as far as my learning and retention. When I run and concentrate, I do really well. When at home ,with finger on the pause button, I simply don't. Not sure why. Perhaps my brain needs multi tasking to occur to retain? BUT....when I watch lessons online/video,write and listen at the same time, good things happen.This tells me I will be tweaking the way I learn a bit and finding that special sweet spot when my brain is more receptive. I DO admit that a pint of ale or glass of wine certainly helps!!! So, should I have them lined up???

  The thought is tempting I must admit. Will have to conduct further research in this area, publishing my findings here eventually. It WILL be fun studying this for sure. :-)

On the Cymraeg (Welsh language) front... I've now completed the first seven lessons!! This is a big deal as they are so packed with information and sentence structure that they are daunting indeed. I'd say I have 75% of the words and grammar down right now and that a few re-visits to lessons 5 to 7 will be needed. Monday last, we had our second meetup of the Cymraeg i Oedolion Portland/Vancouver-Welsh speakers group and had a great time!!!

Looking forward to the next Cymraeg i Oedolion Portland/Vancouver-Welsh speakers group meetup on 17 February at McMenamin's Kennedy School pub, in the Boiler Room bar. I'm finally getting confident enough to speak up a wee bit and belt out some Welsh! I feel pretty damn happy about what I've learned in this short time since 29 December. Immersion is cwl!!!!

On the running front, I'm happy to report that I have now increased weekly mileage to 20+ and am feeling wonderful!! I haven't run this consistently and well since last March. The sciatica (and arthritis) still hit me but seems to be when I'm not running as of late and more when sitting and bending at certain angles. A sure sign that I'm finding the trouble spots. Now to increase the mileage to 30+ over the next few months and get ready for racing season. That starts, for me, with the Fort Vancouver 15K race on 2 March,2014. As this is the first run of the year, I don't expect anything great but want to simply have a great time with my running peeps!!!!

There is also a running expo at Foot Traffic Saturday next on 15 February that is a gold mine for those wishing to sign up early for this years races!! No, I don't have a dog in the fight here but love to post these reminders for my peeps in case they forget.

On that note, I'll look forward to seeing my friends at the Expo or at the Fort Vancouver race!!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

My brain is full now !!!! Breathe,take a break.

  Learning languages is easy for some, a horrid struggle for others. I have known some with the ability to speak and write more than five languages fluently and others to struggle with one. Our brains process things so differently and if I had to put myself somewhere in that mix of students, I'd say I'm very average. Languages are something I used to be better at when in my 20's.

Now, at age 47, I find it tougher to pick them up. Hence the extra effort it takes me to study and digest,process a language now. Especially one that is not "local" and easier to immerse oneself in.
In my own area, this would be Spanish,Russian and Vietnamese. While these are delightful languages, I don't have a desire to speak them right now. I DID learn Russian for quite a few years in the early 90's till it was not really useable with my new friends any longer, as they had progressed to English and dropped their native tongue.SO, I moved on as well. Fiddled with German since high school and could really be fluent and good at it if I would apply myself. But, I don't have a lot of use for it right now and will tackle it after Welsh.

  Still, even with being an average student, there are days my brain is simply FULL. I cannot digest any more Welsh words, or for that matter,English words. I want to simply walk away from it for a few hours or a day and drain the brain. That is what music is for. I will tackle something that immerses me in sound and fantasy,in the past or future. Usually it involves classical music, my first love of all types & genres. Throw on a Mahler symphony and I'm good for hours after the piece ends.

  Usually a Mahler symphony has me putting on an SACD of Michael Tilson Thomas conducting the San Francisco symphony as they are my current favourites as far as recordings go. Incredible set with superb sound.  I need to get down to SFO for a concert one of these days.
  When it comes to winding down after studying though, Mahler is first and ,when not in that mood, usually American composers like Creston,Copland,Diamond and Hovhaness. THESE help my brain relax and repair after the language lessons.

                         Now, on 2 February,2014, I'm digesting lesson 6.1 and 6.2 of Say something in Welsh. I also am LISTENING only to the other lessons as well, progressing through them to get the ears adjusted to more Welsh. Tomorrow night, we have our second meeting of the Portland/Vancouver Welsh speakers group. So looking forward to seeing my friends and hope to meet new folks too!! We will have this at the McMenamins Kennedy School in Portland at 6:30 pm.
Not sure which room or bar yet as they have many to choose from. So check the Facebook group page if interested.

    Now I'm off to watch the pre-game show for the Super Bowl! This is a special one as my beloved Seattle Seahawks are in this final game! GO SEAHAWKS!!!!