Monday, January 26, 2015

Wigged out for Italiano?


                                                              Our January has been more like April when it comes to weather. We are richly blessed living in the Pacific NW and I cannot see myself living anywhere else in this country!! On Saturday I spent the day with loved ones and felt the 63° sunshine, basking in the beauty of a warmish day. This past weekend was simply amazing as so much fun along with new experiences were taking place. Can hours or days spent with those we love be any happier? I think not. We had some great fun in Portland and then headed out to see friends Sunday at brunch. Our Brunch Sunday events are the best, with awesome family and friends!!! After that, we went to play with wigs and have fun at a friends place, enjoying the evening in great company.

Above, you see myself, Dena, Ann and Ellie.
 I've never really done something like this, as new experiences have been happening a LOT the last few months. Getting out and about with friends new and old has proved to be a most enlightening change to my routine. As an extrovert, this is never usually a problem. But, we all have our moments of wanting to be alone and spend time doing things as such.That's not often for me!! :-) I shall be out a lot more now.


                                                             Last month (or was that earlier this month?) I declared that sometime this year I would tackle German again and get back into the daily learning of that delightful language. I have been sidetracked, as usually happens with my easy to distract mind. But this time, the reasons are so much better!!! My new sweetheart is Sicilian and will gladly learn Italian with me!! And THIS is just a perfect scenario as I have always wanted to learn it but didn't have a chat partner who was talking to me daily. Granted, I do have the always wonderful Fabiana to talk to and that is going to prove a delight for practice and help. Thanks my dear!! <3  But learning with another when starting a language is the best for all purposes. So, Italian it is. I had the books already and now can give it a shot.

While I know that books, CD's and video are not the best way to learn a language, these get me started. Courses abound in Italian at local schools and colleges if I want to proceed further. I simply don't know if my brain will like it or not. Now we shall find out. With my background in languages, I don't see the visual aspect of Italian as being a problem nor the reading challenge. it's the speaking and social aspects, and THAT is where I have tons of help with online, Skype, video, etc. Looking at local clubs as well. Dena, my dear, we have some fun days of Italian ahead of us! You know more than I do already and I shall lean on you for a lot of this. Onward we go in this adventure !! <3



Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Happy to be traveling on this path :-)


                                                                   Some blog posts are simply not easy to write. Whether due to negative experiences or writers block, it happens. OK, so now I'm at this point. Hey, write about...whatever!! So I shall do that. This is what happened last week in my life:

                                                                    I ran!! yes, I did manage to get sixteen miles on the road last week and am very happy for that. The weather has been cold and makes my joints really achy, but I have done better this winter than I thought I would. This season has proved one of the worst as far as my arthritis goes, but I'm trying NOT to whine about it so much!! Yeah, right. :-P Now if I can make it to 20 miles per week and maintain that till running season, THAT would be wonderful!!!


                                                    All of my family and most of my friends know that my wife and I are both bisexual, polyamorous and live life and love more than only one person. Without going into specifics, as that is what Google made billions doing, we know the heart to have the capacity to love many more than only a single human alone no matter what gender. Whether you agree with this or not is up to the individual and the relationships involved and not really up for debate. This is who we are. And as we have been open like this now for many years, there will be ups and downs to every relationship, whether monogamous or not, whether a simple friendship, or not. We are not ones to judge nor want to BE judged by the love we share. 

We simply look at the path we are on and thrill when someone or something new enters our lives. That could be a new job, a new pet, car or partner in love. The latter has happened recently and how wonderful this is!!!

 Life is short so take advantage of the opportunities when they present themselves. 
These journeys lately for me have included some wonderful people that I'm so very privileged to be associated with and to love. Is that such an awful thing? Or would someone go back to a religion that condemns a person for showing love to more than one person yet condones hatred of anyone that does not follow it's ways of interpretation? A sane and intelligent person will make the right decision even though it might cause a division in the family or for some friends to leave. 


                                                                      I don't write very often about my poly or orientation thoughts as it is not something I ever want to "ram down peoples throats" or say is for everyone.
Most certainly not!! Yet, now and then, I do feel I want to post that we have not changed and are still the same free,open and independent people ever. Two new people have entered my life over the last few months and I'm so very happy for this. Like the photo above mentions regarding a journey: it is unknown where it will go but, damn, I know the starting line. The best and most rewarding part is THE JOURNEY itself. Not where it might end in 50 years or if two or three people stay together till age 80, but how we all live and love while traveling. At least that's how I see it. :-)


Thursday, January 8, 2015


                                                                   The New Year has arrived and I'm finally getting my behind in gear to post something. Life has been so very busy indeed for me and time seems to rush by at an amazing pace. The year 2015 seems destined to bring exciting new adventures and possibilities! I have absolutely no clue as to what they will be , and isn't that the most intriguing part, the unknown.

                                                                        As this year begins, my employment situation has changed so I shall be contemplating what work I'd like to do. Again and again, getting back into the freelance photography field sounds like a truly wonderful occupation. It has been a very long time since doing this, more than two decades. Back in the late 80's and early 90's, this was a field still completely dominated by film formats and enlargements, both 35mm and medium formats. Oh my, how times have indeed changed. My choice of brands has not, however changed, having been a dedicated Nikon shooter since the mid 80's. This will not change for me. After many years and at least 100,000 photos shot, my trust D50 digital 6.1 MP body was passed on to another for use and upgraded to a D3200.

No, not major top of the line in gear, but it is the artist, the op, that makes the shots and does the work, not the equipment. So now that I have a new system and am ready to go
with a sparkling computer and software, this is a line of work I will be seriously looking into. It is a LOT more cutthroat than twenty years ago but I don't need to make much money at it to be satisfied and pay the rent. This gives me an edge as well. So now the research begins into my new business name and getting the state paperwork started.

                                                         As for keeping busy with other things, that is never a problem.  Between shakuhachi practice, running more miles, writing and keeping house, I'm kept busy enough.  Add the new circles of people I have met as well and I'm certain that the future will be bright indeed.
Possible travels could include San Francisco, Asia and even Europe if we can secure places to stay.
No, nothing is known as to where,why or when. How wonderful that is!! Onward we go!!!