Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Goals for 2017...


                                What a year this has been! As usual, it was a mixture of both very positive events and negative happenings that all shaped 2016 into a most interesting and monumental one. Did I stick to the goals I had set last December? For the most part, yes. I still am learning Welsh and playing the shakuhachi as well as Celtic flute. The German went by the wayside as I took up Scottish Gaelic but the holidays and other work really dampened that. So...I have new goals for the coming year.

1)  Still continue Welsh and Scottish Gaelic, adding in German when I can. I've been using Duolingo and also Say Something in Welsh for those and hope to add the online courses in Gaelic soon.

 2)  Continue running and losing a few pounds as I lost mileage in 2016 and want to get that back on schedule. LOVE to lose 20 lbs and hope the joints/muscles don't ache as badly. :-(

3)  And finally...the most time consuming project I will have: genealogy. I LOVE to research this subject and have a long way to go on my own family tree as well as helping a few others with theirs. Will be spending a LOT of time on Ancestry as well as other sites, digging into my family's past and everything about them. Just sent in for the Ancestry DNA test and will get those back soon.

Over the years I have tried to keep building up too many goals as I never get to complete them or get distracted during the year. These are good and healthy goals I will thrive on and will make me happy as well as accomplish some delightful things!

   As this year closes, I think back to how many beloved and incredible people have left us to move on to other places: Prince, George Michael, Carrie Fisher, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Gene Wilder and many others. Yeah, I is life. And death. But that doesn't mean we still have to like it. I accept it and have different thoughts regarding it now and am not afraid like before. Still, we miss these lovely people and those in our lives. May 2017 be a bit less active in this department and
an incredible one for all of you!!


Friday, November 18, 2016

Life's halfway point...and add another language!


         As many already know, due to my consistent blabbering nature and never shut up mentality, last Friday on November 11th was my 50th birthday. It was a lovely day filled with memories as I had lunch with Dena, her parents and Chloe at Namaste, a delightful Indian restaurant in Vancouver. Yes, I stuffed myself with naan, paneer, curry and everything I could on the menu from sub-continent. This family owned chain is one of my favourites and I was to visit the Portland location with Heather the following week, it is THAT delicious!

         Many also know that I have had a life filled with few birthday celebrations, those with parties were at ages 6 and 7. But, I don't need a party. I don't need gifts (not that I don't LOVE them, I do !)
But what I love the most, is the time spent with those I love. A dinner, a lunch, a pint or drinks with my friends who can manage it. what I like the most. This week I will go to lunch with a few others and also celebrate Ann's birthday , which is today! Happy Birthday, Ann!

        As for my own 50th, now that I have passed that mark, I reflect a lot about the first half of my life. Yep, I plan on making it to 100 and am at the halfway part of this incredible journey. Sure, it is more like I'm 18 and have 32 years of experience! And I plan on making the next 50 even better!

       For some reason, I see 2017 as being an instrumental and major year for me. Not sure why nor have any inkling as to direction changes. Just a feeling. And it is a positive one! I love the unknown sometimes! Life has thrown a few curve balls my way but for the most part, I'm VERY happy with it and where things are . May it continue as blessed !


  Now, the part that I have avoided for so long: the election on November 8th. On social media I have kept my personal beliefs and thoughts to myself as I watch so many of my friends and acquaintances squabble over who is right and who is wrong in this contentious and divided election year. Some have unfriended each other on Facebook and even stopped associating after years of being friends. How sad is that! All over politics? Asinine indeed. Yet, I do know and understand how this has divided a nation that I love. I will start by saying I didn't vote for EITHER of the candidates. My reasons are my own. I DID vote for all of the other places on my very large Washington State ballot and know only one of them turned out to be opposite of what I had hoped. Therefore my votes did indeed count!

Yet the Presidential election seems to be where everyone focused all their attention when so man y other things were also in play and at stake. I will say this about the race for president:

I cannot understand and believe how many voted for a man with such a bigoted, racist, chauvinistic and fatalist attitude and view of his fellow citizens. His track record was dismal and he imbued hatred for any others not like himself. And that so many "Christians" voted for a man who stood out on the opposite side of their religious fence astounds me further. Religion should NEVER be mixed with politics like the founders of this nation desired and put forth. Yet, it still has it's role to some and that is what divides us all further. As a non religious but spiritual man, I stay out of that realm and keep myself free from the infighting. But the new President to be has shown his true face to the American public and we now are witnessing the backlash from supremacist and far right groups in attacking the rights of those not white, nor "Christian". Scary indeed for all of my POC, LGBT, non Christian and minority friends and family. It is not the media promoting this hatred but the people in these positions and it needs to stop. Alas, the new administration has given life again to an evil and disgusting creature in the form of hatred for others they don't understand or are fearful of due to ignorance. May this disappear soon! Neither side of this campaign had very positive traits , enough to elect with a good conscience. In fact, many did not vote with this most essential part of being a human: a conscience. And THAT could be the undoing of a great country if things don't change,

  Therefore, I hope that the next time this happens, people will have learned. Until then, I will stay out of the political fray unless in person with those I know and love. Who won't argue and  are accepting of others opinions. That was a rarely seen thing during the last year. Now, I step off my soapbox, hoping that this blog post doesn't cause some to actually cease friendship over such a thing as ugly as politics.


    As I sit at the Starbucks across the street from Powell's Books, one of my favourite places on this planet, many things flit through my mind. The wind has picked up, causing the trees to drop their remaining leaves and scatter them around, proving that winter is close and the cold today not a fluke.


It is a delightful time of year and I truly enjoy all of the seasons aspects. The next month of events will prove to be fun and one filled with love!


Finally, among the many activities that keep me busy, one that has been continual is that of my Welsh lessons as well as photography, etc. Now, I have decided to drop German and add Scottish Gaelic to the lesson plan and devote my time to those two Celtic tongues. The Pan Celtic nations , or Six Celtic Nations, are going to be a subject of research for me and hopefully I can attain some proficiency in reading and writing Welsh and Gaelic. The Welsh is coming along well on Duolingo, Say something in Welsh and various other programs. Scottish Gaelic is a lot tougher and does not have as many options. Still, it will be a language I hope to tackle more in 2017 and beyond. After all, it is a language my ancestors probably spoke and it should never be allowed to die out.

                                   Now...on to hit the books and get deep in Gaidhlig and Cymru!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November goals: are they possible?


                                                                 Today marks the start of my favourite month of the year...November! So many amazing things are in store for this most auspicious of months in the calendar of one Seumas Dòmhnal Ross, most especially a birthday marking fifty years on this planet.
That will be arriving on the 11th, Veteran's Day, and is one I shall be indeed enjoying. I prefer, though, to remember those Vets who have given their time, lives and dedication to the safety of our country. I consider it an honor to have my birthday on this day!

Today also marks the beginning of a few challenges I would like to see through. First, my desire to see myself ten pounds lighter by December 1st, losing the weight gained over the last 6 months. I'm giving up alcohol for one month and this will indeed be a challenge as I do enjoy my single malt as well as brews and wine. Doing this on the month of my birthday was probably a idiotic move but really, it will make it a moment of pride in accomplishing this daunting task! 

  Another challenge: No Shave November/Movember has arrived. Now, I did start a bit early last month, on October 15th, to get donations going and sign up for the events. This means I have a bit of facial fuzz already in place. It isn't a race nor a contest to see who has the most or best whiskers, but a drive for a good cause: to cure cancer in men and show support.

It has been awhile since having whiskers this long and will be another challenge in keeping them for the month. Having had handlebar moustaches, beards and the like before, it will be easier than last time. Not sure how I will look with the long hair and whiskers but it is worth it for the donations and the cause! Please...donate anything you can at the link above! 

  So many other things happening this month as well, including: Ann's birthday, Thanksgiving Day (so look forward to this holiday at the Geurassio house and time with Dena and her family), the Hot Buttered Run 5K, running more, shooting photos and a host of other autumn fun!! Let the delights begin!


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

My photographic past


                                                                      It seems a lifetime since my very first photography class in high school, the year 1981. My only previous experience with cameras and this most exquisite of arts and communication, was small portable 110 and 126 style cartridge machines that had negatives so small I could not believe they could be enlarged. But, they gave me an introduction to a treasure that would remain with me to this exact moment.


To today's digital photographer, these look like toys, I'm sure. But they did a great job in getting me started. Trial and error were how we learned the hobby/trade and progressed to the more advanced 35mm.

                                                                   Eventually I learned to shoot with a pinhole camera, developing with paper only and moving up to black and white processing and enlarging, eventually to colour. We had a great teacher and by the time graduation came in 1985, I was rather good at it! I'd used a few different 35mm models in high school, the primary bodies being a Minolta 370, a 700 and then a Pentax P3 .


  Then I was bit by the Nikon bug. These bodies, hell even a used one, were usually way out of my price range. But I did move up to a Nikon FE, FG and an FM. These were amazing cameras and I still have the black body FG and also an N80 with grip.

Then the digital camera wave hit, obliterating most of the film market in a few years. It took me ages to convert, shooting film for customers, weddings and other up until 2002, when I started to really see the writing on the wall. I was really hesitant to go digital, primarily due to the cost of the bodies, which were up there at $1000 or more. And that was for 3 or 4 mega pixel cameras. But I knew film processing would dry up and I would be forced to make the jump.

                                                                  Then, after my final trip to New York City and then a European adventure in 2004 that had me returning with 20 + rolls of film, I knew I had to change. It was costing a fortune to get them developed and the results from the various processing machines was wild in scale, some being horrible with light leaks and crummy enlargements. So, I saved up and bought a Nikon D50, a 6.1 mp digital. I was immediately in love with digital and the options of instant photos that could be sent to my desktop computer.

Occasionally I would print photos for my albums but that was quickly becoming a thing of the past as well. Life was good!

As a freelance photographer since the late 80's and a wedding shooter for friends, I had learned to love digital. But I saw a trend in clarity and crispness that every new mega pixel was bringing to the marketplace. It was getting better and better but the bodies still out of reach in price. My Nikon D50 was purchased in 2005 and  I shot many thousands of images with this delightful camera. But it was becoming dated and while I had good glass with the lenses owned, I needed an upgrade. The D3200 became the replacement in 2013, becoming a new friend that now shot HD video. Great camera and one that still holds up great at 24 mp.

          This has been a delightful body for me and produced some amazing photos over the last few years. But I wanted to move up, not in mega pixels but in what the camera could do, it's auto focus capabilities and upgrades in so many other areas. I knew it was going to be the most expensive camera I had purchased and held off till something became affordable. One day I was at Pro Photo in Portland and saw a used D300 pro body for sale for $250, with a grip and accessories. This camera is a classic in the Nikon lineup and even though it is 12.1 MP, the glass I was using made this no issue at all, especially as I was shooting B/W with it most of the time, in manual or AP mode. So, I bought it as a backup body but it did start to become my primary camera due to it's quality, incredible images and construction.

                                                                     The use of the D300 really spoke volumes to me about quality and advancement of today's DSLR cameras and the market they are such a part of. As I had always known since the beginning days of photography, it is the glass and light, the composition and skill of the photographer more than the body. Yes, each camera has qualities that help but ultimately it is the glass and skill that make an image unique. Did megapixels really make THAT big a difference these days or was it the additional aspects of the camera that were driving prices so high?

                                                                     After researching this for years and looking over thousands of images shot at 6mp to 36mp, both colour and B/ truly is amazing how little difference a high MP rating is on images that are not blown up larger than an 8 x 10. Unless using a tiny pinhole camera on a cell phone or Go Pro camera, there is really no reason a 12 mp DSLR with a good lens can't shoot as well as a 24 MP body with the same lens. The quality is amazing no matter what you shoot if the glass and light are good. The D50, moved on to my brother for some shooting, still produces amazing photos at 6.1 MP.  How far will the MP market go and will that really justify a body being sold for $2000+ ? Not in my opinion. Maybe for the construction, the seals, the auto focus and metering capabilities,etc.

                                                                    About a month ago I decided to upgrade to the soon to be discontinued D7100 at $699 as it had dropped $88 over the past 6 months. It is a 24 MP as well with HD video but the quality and additional capabilities make this my primary for many years to come.

When I see other photographers shooting with cameras I drool over, like the D750, D810 or D5...sure I get a wee tinge of jealousy. They are well made, expensive and have a certain "look at me, I'm awesome" factor . But that doesn't mean they take great photos as a camera can produce horrible photos no matter what.

Where will photography go in the future? I believe higher mega pixels, more mirrorless bodies, more metering and faster auto focus. But the same reason we use them is the image. And as I shoot stills, not many moving subjects, my cameras are doing JUST FINE.

                Here are a few photos from the past few years I have shot with the D3200, D300 and D7100.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Has it really been that long?


Seriously? Has it really been over a month since the last blog post? Horrible, I tell you. I have been disgustingly lax in keeping my blog up to date and need to seriously work on this. All three blogs!
Admittedly, when I get busy and have full days, I forget. That sucks. And I promise to blog more often, rarely following through.

So, yet again and with renewed vigor and commitment, I will try my best at posting at LEAST once a week. What the hell am I going to blog about once a week that ANYONE will want to read? Who knows. But I will give it a shot. 

The last month has brought about the very desired change in weather and season, making my body and mind much happier. Certainly it seemed to have changed almost overnight instead of a gradual change. Rain has moved in. In fact, yesterday and tomorrow are examples of very stormy weather, possibly being of "historic" proportions, according to the National Weather Service. Yesterday was not the big event forecast, so hopefully tomorrow's event is the same.

While I enjoy Mother Nature's displays and the power, it tends to shut down the planet around me and make it more difficult than it actually should be. Usually due to lack of preparation by the population. Thing is, we really have it good. This is one of so many reasons I LOVE living in the Pacific NW. Very rare to have natural disasters other than a volcano every 200 yrs or the occasional storm, such as is now approaching. I feel badly for those in tornado alley and the south east where hurricanes plague them. Maybe this is why we are seeing yet another influx of people moving here. 

On the running and cycling front: I have slowed down the cycling due to weather but the running seems to still be hanging in there. All depends on the day and how the joints feel. But, at least I am still running and that is the key. As I approach my 50th birthday, I'm very thankful for all that I can still do and for everything in my life! It is a wonderful life and I'm truly blessed! :-)

My good friend Patrick has accepted a job in Ireland that moves him away in less than a week. I'm so happy for him in this superb adventure and know he will be so glad such a choice was made. Most certainly I want to go visit him on The Emerald Isle , hopefully next year if things work out. Might even be able to slide through Wales and Scotland while there. Now I need to get my passport renewed for such a journey. They are not cheap any more (never were) but at $140 for a ten year form of ID, they are so well worth the money. Now, what do I work on for language? Back to Welsh again or Gaelic (Irish)? Seems Gaelic is not really necessary as everyone speaks English. My Cymraeg has been calling me back so I might hit Duolingo again and get a few books out. Might even learn a bit more of Scottish Gaelic!


Monday, August 29, 2016

Summer's exit...


                                                      Summer is finally over!! Yes, as past posts have always brought is my least favourite season. Now, it is over and the autumn I LOVE can start anytime! Leaves are falling and the cooler temps bear out that change. Still, this was a delightful season even with the heat we had, which was much better than last year's temps. Now...September ushers in hope!

                                                                 One of my favourite parts of summer is the Gardenless party in August, put on by my dear friends Naomi and David. Weather was perfect, the people awesome and the food/music wonderful! And four of us wore kilts, making it a first at a gathering for us! Damn, my hair is getting long!


The music from the Ian James Band and other great musicians was splendid as always! So thankful for all of my tribe of friends and family!

                                                          Other memorable events this summer: meeting friends for the first time that I had been corresponding with for years! There are so many I talk to and have been friends with . Met my friend Mel a few weeks ago and also shakuhachi pal, Perry Yung, as he came through Portland!

                                      This was something unplanned as I never make it back to New York City very often. In fact I haven't been back there since 2000 and stood in front of the World Trade Centers. So Perry coming out here for a vacation tour was delightful! He sold me my first real bamboo shakuhachi and then I acquired a longer 2.1 model a wee bit later. Eventually, I was able to secure Hideo, my most prized instrument of all and a member of my family.

 Hideo is on the right and my first shakuhachi, on the left

My summer plans on playing more Celtic flute never really materialized and while that is still in my future, I want to get back to shakuhachi very badly. So, starting today, now that summer is over and autumn (in my own mind) starts soon, it is the best time to do so. Books and sheet music are out and time to begin again!

No long range goals for other activities other than my photography business, shakuhachi and running/cycling.

Let my favourite time if year begin and bring rich rewards and experiences!!



Monday, August 8, 2016

Final days of summer...


                        August has finally arrived and the last gasps of this least loved season are almost here.
Although admittedly, this years summer has been one of the better in recent memory due to lower than expected heat indexes and trends. This has been delightful as everyone on the planet knows I hate the heat. yet I have made it out for runs and cycling tours in the higher 70's and not died. This is good. :-P

                        The next three weeks are going to be a bit less hectic and for this I am grateful as the last sixteen have been super busy! So many memories have been made and they are all good ones! Some photos from the past few moths follow and I fully intend on keeping this streak alive as we move in to the glorious and best season of the year: autumn.

Post party after the Vancouver Marathon and half in mid June! This was a fun one and turned out to be better than expected, coming off a month+ long injury.

 Pride in Portland was a hoot again this year and I can't wait for next year's events!!

Did some canning at Dena's brother James' place yesterday and had a blast! So much goodness in a small jar!! Been many years since doing this, in fact at least two decades. So the chance to do so again was very welcome.

Then there was the July 4th Reunion party in Clatskanie for Dena's Class of 1991. What a great time I had with everyone!!

                          What is different this summer in contrast to those past? Well, my hair is one thing. has gotten long! Nothing like the ladies around me have but it is past my neckline now and I'm simply loving it! Certainly is the longest it's ever been in my 49 years.  Here is a before and after set of photos:

This was taken on March 27, 2015...three days before I started my Bucket List goal of not cutting my hair for one full year. This is my brother Mitchell with me!

And now this is yours truly after sixteen months of growth and one very, very slight trim in May. There was perhaps a 1/4 inch to 1/2" taken off. but really, there have been no major cuts in 16 months. I really love this hair and didn't know it would be this curly. Planning on letting it go and seeing where it takes me in appearance . :-)

             Now it will be time to lay low during these last days of summer. Will blog again in early September and post what adventures have brightened my world!! Have a great August!
