Friday, July 8, 2016

Independence Day 2016


                                                                    So much has happened over the last few months that I COULD blog every day about it. I'm just not that type of blogger, though. Add the time factor and there are never enough hours in the day for keeping up with all of the interests I have. So the blog is neglected a bit more than it should be. Nonetheless, there is ample time over the summer to do more here and I shall TRY to do that. No guarantees. :-)

                                                                     Over the last few days, Independence Day weekend, there were a great deal many things to celebrate other than the American holiday. Gathering together with Dena's family in Clatskanie was simply grand and I had a tremendous time. So many photos have been posted online that I will only show a few here. Enjoy!

                                                                   Update on the running situation: leg is healed! Ran the Vancouver half marathon decently all things considered and in 2:32:00  A lot slower than in the past but could have been worse. Now up next is the Twilight 5K tomorrow night near Vancouver lake. Should be fun! After that, no races till the autumn season. Time to lay low for the remainder of the summer.
