Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goodbye 2017, hello 2018!


         What a ride this year has been!! Not all of it was bad at all but a good majority of the upheavals that were endured were negative and I'm SO ready to move on from them and make the next year of 2018 much better. Between political nonsense, the financial difficulties and all the health related issues....yep, bring on a new year! Please!!! Most of last years "resolutions" were not really kept, I admit.

Last year it was Duolingo, Welsh, Ancestry and running. Those were noble and while the Ancestry and running were still going strong by year's end, the others fell away. This year, there are similar goals:

  As like last year, Ancestry takes top priority as I want to continue on the family tree! Currently I'm up to 3000+ individuals in my genealogy research and the number grows weekly with new information available. So, this is not a new goal.

Next up is another duo from last year: keeping up with my Welsh and German practice. This suffered quickly and by February, German was on the back burner and by spring, Welsh. I have pretty much given up learning Scottish Gaelic due to time and workload, so Welsh and German are about the only ones right now I want to invest time in.

These two languages are the ones I desire . The ones I want to be fluent in if at all possible. Duolingo is a good source for learning and so I shall attempt once again to lean via that site.

Running as always is on the list as is cycling. This year, my new job at Clark College will give an opportunity to use the bike a lot more for getting to work. It is about seven miles round trip and will keep me a bit trimmer!!

Those are the study goals for 2018, but in all other senses of the word, I want to be more mindful, loving, caring and  positive!! I want to meet more awesome people, network more with poly and open minded people, learning all I can. Hell, I even am spending more time on Fetlife now and enjoying that!
My Fetlife name is CelticShaman so look me up if interested in that sort of thing!!

                                                       Happy New Year to you all!!


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Ancestry update and Lady Catherine Campbell


                        Currently, there are four different DNA and genealogy tree based sites I'm using for research and they vary widely. The DNA results themselves from Ancestry and 23 and Me are themselves fact based  numbers and don't vary between companies, but the resulting "estimates" from the companies themselves certainly do. This is due to the software used to determine and estimate the results and how they place in the various genome locations. Ancestry and 23 and Me were reasonably close in these two.

This was Ancestry's result...


Europe West



 Low Confidence Region

West Asia

Then, the results from 23 and Me...

Northwestern European81.2%
British & Irish24.9%
French & German17.5%
Broadly Northwestern European35.7%
Southern European13.6%
Broadly Southern European7.9%
Eastern European1.1%
Broadly European3.2%

These two companies sent me the results through their own labs and remain separate entities in the genealogy world. The other companies who offer these run similar statistics and software so I'm not inclined to spend the $$ on them for results. One can, however, upload the raw DNA data to other free sites and receive an estimate. I have done this with another, that being My Heritage. And their resukts didn't come close...

North and West Europe
North and West European
Ashkenazi Jewish
Ashkenazi Jewish
South Europe
West Asia
West Asian
North Africa
North African
Middle East
Middle East
Middle Eastern
Seumas Dòmhnal Ross

    What is most surprising about the My Heritage results are the very low English and 0% of Irish, Scottish and Welsh, which are not reflected in actual family history. Granted, these are estimates but the Scandinavian numbers are a bit of a shock as I only have a few from Denmark and none other than that. Most of the family from the British Isles have been from Scotland, Ireland and Wales as well as England itself. Add the surprising estimates of the Middle East and wonders what the algorithms used were.

Since my last update on this blog back in May, there have been many new additions to the tree, with the Ross tree up to 2272 individuals. For sure, there might be some duplicates in there and I'm cleaning up anything possible. Add that there are a LOT of siblings of ancestors not added as yet and the possibilities are staggering. The stories of my ancestors are starting to add up to a rich lineage that is going to be the focus of a new blog I'll be starting. This will be dealing only with genealogy, my family and the lineage therein. Not sure when I will get this going but it is in the works.

Till I get that started, I shall add a random story/fact sheet here on this blog and hope that it is enjoyed by all!

Lady Mary Catherine Campbell of Argyle Woods 

Great grandmother x eight

Jun. 2, 1690
City of Edinburgh, Scotland

Dec. 18, 1742
Albemarle County
Virginia, USA

Daughter of Sir James Campbell 5th Baronet. of Auchinbreck and Lady Susan Campbell,
she was christened at  Cannongate, Edinburgh
Her title before marrying a commoner, and coming to the USA was Lady, but as soon as she stepped on USA soil, she lost her title.
married Michael Marion Woods (about) 1704, 
children from this union:

Magdelena 1705-1796
m#1 Capt John McDowell
m#2 Benjamin F Borden
Heiress of the Borden Estate
"the wealthiest woman on the frontier"
m#3 John Bowyer

Archibald 1706-1768
m/Isabella Goss

Michael Jr 1708-1777
Capt French & Indian War
m/Anne Lambert

Hannah 1710-
m/William Wallace
lived on Piedmont Plantation
Greenwood neighborhood
still owned by family today


Sunday, October 1, 2017

October: New goals!!!


                                                                     Hello October!!!

                                        The best and my most favourite month of the year has arrived, right before my second favourite of November!! This day brings for me the most amazing start to the season I adore and there are some goals in mind. The past four months of heat and humidity are gone and the rains have arrived, bringing the temps down and making it easier on the body. The joints, maybe not as much. Still, grin and bear it the best possible and enjoy every moment! Now, what goals do I have in  mind for the month of October? Here is the first one:

                                                                    Challenge #1

Yes, this is true. No booze for at least a month, maybe more. I need not only a detox but to watch my body better, my $$ as well.  Therefore, no booze for at least thirty days from this moment forward.

       The drink of choice: tea!!!

                                                                     Challenge #2

        Yes, to add miles to my running. This has been tough the last few months and I want so bad to change it. The arthritis combined with the weather, schedule and other issues has been horrid on my running. Therefore, my goal is to run ten miles a week and get to that forty by Halloween!

                                                                      Challenge #3

Yes, it is now time to try the beard again. Last one was back in 2013 I believe and it came in a lot more brown. Highly doubtful it will be this time, probably being a salt and pepper mix of fluff. I know the genes are there and I'll decide after thirty days how far I want to take it, but know that at least six months would be nice to see how far it can grow. Last time I did, the razor came out after four months if I remember correctly. So,,,I stopped shaving today (except under my chin, that is a must). Drawback with a beard...people are less interested in kissing me. :-(  So, sacrifices will be made.

                       And....GROW BEARD!!

                                                                        There you have it!! Goals for the month of October and beyond, in addition to the usual Ancestry research, language and history studies as well as new college courses from Harvard, Julliard and the University of Edinburgh.

                                                                      Wish me luck!!


Friday, September 1, 2017

Summer's End in the Pacific NW!


                                                                The summer of 2017 is quickly approaching it's final breathes as school starts and the weather gets cooler. Yeah....right. Sure, the schools locally have started as of 30 August but no way in hell have the temperatures dropped. On the contrary, the next seven days are forecast to be in the mid to upper nineties. Yep. Ugh. Yuk. Add any other expletive you want to which I refuse to type here as that is not my style. We have had a hot summer for sure and while I have made it through with few major problems, the heat has drained me of most energies I'd had. Happens every year, and each season I whine about it, this one being no exception. Autumn is my favourite for sure and I will be whooping it up , enjoying every moment possible!! What did this summer bring me?

**  The best part was that my mum made it through her chemotherapy and is now cancer free! This            was big news and a highlight I'd never trade for anything! Way to go mum!! Ann was a major
      part of this as she provided that critical care that was essential!! And many others sent their love
      and energy to help! Thank you Dena my dear and all you who helped! <3

**  After a few doctor's visits during March,June and August, my health went from decent to very              good due to hard work, statins and watching what I ate. Any weight I lost in June was gained              back, but some as muscle. The liver enzyme levels are back to normal after ten years, cholesterol        went from 282 to 194, and I'm healthy for the most part! The one problem I still have issues with        is the psoriatic arthritis. Bad enough to cause my hip to give out. So, working on this now but it          is a lifelong disease so not much I can do about that.

**  Was able to get a decent amount of running and cycling in though it was painful sometimes.
      This takes some getting used to but some days are better than others. Unfortunately, the half
      marathon I was going to run, the Vancouver USA half, was cancelled. This would have been the         seventh straight year of running it and it will be sad to miss. Hoping that next year it shall be
      back again!!

**  So many photos shot this summer!! Many contests have been entered and I'm really going to
      hit the streets and country hard for new material. ViewBug has been fun to use and my machines
      are getting a workout for sure.  Check out the new material at Dragon Digital on Facebook                    or Instagram. One of these days I will get that shot!!

** Finally, one aspect of this summer that has proved a delightful positive is how every day was
     a major blessing, To be alive, happy, healthy and to be surrounded by LOVE! <3 <3 <3 These
     are difficult times due to many reasons and when I reflect daily on this, it makes me remember
     not to take ANYTHING for granted, even those negative experiences as I simply learn from                them. Count the summer of 2017 as one of the best I have had in a long time!


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Running and photography

            Running. This has been a passion of mine for many years now and still continues.
Alas, long distance running is now a thing of the past for me. Due to reasons brought to light here on these pages over the last few years, it is simply not a joy nor possible to run continuously over a six to ten mile distance. Any half marathon is a combination of intervals and walking. And I have come to terms with this. No, it is not easy seeing my fellow runners of my own age or older run half and full marathons weekly and not only keep in great shape but medal in their age divisions. Yet that is simply how it must be. No amount of training, therapy or medications is going to change this and while I know there are a few methods that might help to get me more miles and lower times, it just hurts too much and is not enjoyable during and after such long distances. Therefore the concentration will be on running for health and social fun, keeping my distances between the 5K and 10K's with a yearly half marathon with the Vancouver Marathon and Half. Besides, I cannot afford all the races I used to run in anyways.

                               Cycling is starting to take the place of the missed running miles as it is a LOT less damaging and painful on my aging arthritic joints. A ride of 30 miles is still completely within my abilities and a few times a week. This way I can keep in shape between the 10-15 miles a week running and 50 cycling. At least I shall give that a shot.

                                That is it. Fifty years is not really old at all for most people but I have witnessed many come and go from the running and cycling crowds I know and they always come back in one form or another. I'm not going away but will be seen less at events and on the road. As for cycling, that will increase. I'm NOT a couch potato most of the time at all and so will not allow my body to become such a thing. I might be down a it but never out of the game!


                                   This year marks my fiftieth summer as a human on this beautiful globe and there have been no shortages of delights and amazing experiences. With a lot of time spent in Portland shooting photos and exploring, there have been many opportunities to meet up with old friends as well as meet many new ones. The weather has been rather nice for a season I truly don't like most of the time. But, if summers were like this every year, I might be convinced to change my thinking. I can recall only two days over one hundred degrees and perhaps five over ninety, making it a rather average one. Still, August is just around the corner and who knows what that will bring.

                                             There have not been many changes in life, and that is just fine as surely the old cliche of "no news is good news" can be true indeed. Mother is still in the process of chemotherapy, which is showing signs of working. The photo business is still the same and while no new projects have taken off and made me $$, I'm honing the craft and hoping to still win some awards and contests with well received photos. Dragon Digital has been a delightful part of my life and I hope it eventually takes off and I can do better with it.                       Dragon Digital Photography

Still using the Nikon D300 and D7100 bodies as my workhorses and don't see that changing anytime soon as I enjoy them both, their functions and truly delightful ease of use. The new models are certainly beautiful and worth drooling over but no way could I afford to buy them. If I had a choice and were able to choose a model, it would be the D750 or D810 as they have all I would need for many years. But seriously, the D7100 is an amazing camera that does not need any upgrades. These are a few of what it has captured as of late:

These were all shot around the Portland/Vancouver area and a sampling of what these cameras will do.Simply marvelous!


Monday, June 19, 2017

Pride 2017 and an amazing Father's Day experience!


                                                As June 2017 rolls on, Pride in Portland does as well. And the same weekend as Father's Day on what used to be Vancouver Marathon weekend. That race has been moved up to September and thus allowing me the opportunity to go to the Pride parade for the first time in five years. Since coming out in 2009, I have been attending the Pride events in Portland with glee and a sense of belonging that before that momentous year would have left me aching to be myself. Unfortunately, Ann couldn't make it to this year's event but Dena and I went together and had a great time. Here are some of the photos I shot from the sidelines at 6th and Davis!

                                                                                   It was a fun event and we had a delightful time showing pride and in supporting our friends and community! The weather was about perfect at 80°.
The next Pride event is in Vancouver in July and we hope to all attend that as well.


                    Father's Day 2017 was to become an amazing and eventful day in my life. As many know, my father passed away back in March of 2008 yet I feel his presence daily, in one form of another. And I still see him in the world around me as well as when memories appear. but yesterday, well this was one that will live inside me forever.      

                     Both Dena and I were sitting at her place, having  discussion about genetics, and what features I had inherited from my parents. My nose was from my mother, eyes and crows feet from my father, etc. This was an enjoyable discussion that would change in incredible ways. While we were chatting, Pandora was playing through the TV and was on the bluegrass channel, a style of music my father was starting to enjoy. While we were discussing him, the artist playing the guitar scrolled across the screen and it was Don Ross.  This I'm not kidding about. My jaw dropped, Dena looked the TV and saw it. We both looked like codfish with mouths open and in shock and amazement that it had just happened. OK, seriously...think about this: we are discussing my father, Don Ross, on Father's Day. When across the screen his name appears as the artist playing the music my dad liked. WOW!!! It took awhile to sink in that this was something special. Hell yes, I know it was him saying "I hear you and understand and appreciate it, that I love you all and miss everyone"! That he is indeed with us and has ways of letting us know. This, I believe, was him saying so. It still gives me shivers to think about and it will forever be an experience in my heart and soul for all my days. I'm fortunate that Dena was there to also experience this as he would have loved to know her. As an expert in the paranormal realms and a Reiki master, she knows full well the impact and seriousness of such things.

                      So, there you have it. An amazing weekend filled with all ranges of emotion from different angles. Not one I'm soon to forget! <3 <3 <3 <3

                                                   Miss you dad, LOVE YOU! <3
