Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goodbye 2017, hello 2018!


         What a ride this year has been!! Not all of it was bad at all but a good majority of the upheavals that were endured were negative and I'm SO ready to move on from them and make the next year of 2018 much better. Between political nonsense, the financial difficulties and all the health related issues....yep, bring on a new year! Please!!! Most of last years "resolutions" were not really kept, I admit.

Last year it was Duolingo, Welsh, Ancestry and running. Those were noble and while the Ancestry and running were still going strong by year's end, the others fell away. This year, there are similar goals:

  As like last year, Ancestry takes top priority as I want to continue on the family tree! Currently I'm up to 3000+ individuals in my genealogy research and the number grows weekly with new information available. So, this is not a new goal.

Next up is another duo from last year: keeping up with my Welsh and German practice. This suffered quickly and by February, German was on the back burner and by spring, Welsh. I have pretty much given up learning Scottish Gaelic due to time and workload, so Welsh and German are about the only ones right now I want to invest time in.

These two languages are the ones I desire . The ones I want to be fluent in if at all possible. Duolingo is a good source for learning and so I shall attempt once again to lean via that site.

Running as always is on the list as is cycling. This year, my new job at Clark College will give an opportunity to use the bike a lot more for getting to work. It is about seven miles round trip and will keep me a bit trimmer!!

Those are the study goals for 2018, but in all other senses of the word, I want to be more mindful, loving, caring and  positive!! I want to meet more awesome people, network more with poly and open minded people, learning all I can. Hell, I even am spending more time on Fetlife now and enjoying that!
My Fetlife name is CelticShaman so look me up if interested in that sort of thing!!

                                                       Happy New Year to you all!!
