Friday, April 19, 2013


Monday's events in Boston at the marathon continue to prompt my question of why. WHY?
As the events of today have unfolded and more information is known about these insane men and their desire to kill innocent civilians,I STILL ask the same question. Runners,children,men,women and people from around the world...having fun and enjoying life. All shattered by two,maybe more, mentally deranged idiots. WHY?

 To show support individually,runners everywhere wore their race shirts on Tuesday. I did this too,wearing my Vancouver,Marathon finisher shirt to work at Lingonberries Gluten free market,where I work.

Not my best look but I didn't care as I wanted to show support for my friends and others in Boston.

 In addition to Tuesday,to honor and support those in Boston and the many million of us angered at such action, the What? run scheduled for Wednesday at the Grant House,on Officers Row in Vancouver,proved to be apropos for such respect. Brian Davis and his Energy Events group did a fine job in getting things together at late notice for such a huge gathering,the largest ever for these events. Below are a few photos from Wednesday's event.
This was my favourite shot as we all cheered support for Boston!!
Many thanks to you Brian and all of the runners and walkers in Vancouver who showed up in support for this worthy event. As I type this,the Boston area is still under lock down as one bomber has been dispatched and another being hunted. One can hope they don't harm others as this continues.

  On a more positive note, I finally have received some brown based kilt items for my outfits.
Black is usually the most popular but I have some delightful brown Allen Edmonds wingtips and also some Broadstreets that would look grand with any kilt I have. The new sporran is from Stillwater Kilts and is nice although I will have to find another in a darker brown for other shoes. Also need to start thinking of sporran straps without a chain. Should be able to make those myself from belts purchased at Goodwill as brown is an easy colour to find there for pennies. Being on a budget makes kilt outfits a bit tougher as one does not find sporrans and kilts nor great shirts and hose at thrift stores. The fun remains in the search!!!

Here are shots in brown taken at a local mall and off NW 23rd in Portland.

Also found some new kilt hose at Sock Dreams in Sellwood,Portland,that add some splash to the outfit. Also a new Sgian Dubh to fill in. Finally getting some things together for the outfits.
Hoping to add my House of Edgar Ross tartan kilt in the next 3 weeks.

To end this post, I'm seriously considering a kilt marathon. NOT wearing my kilt in a marathon,which I shall do soon enough in June. But donning my kilts for a certain length of time as I've been inspired by other blogs such as A Year in a Kilt and 51 Days in a kilt. Might try a solid month first. Now to choose how long and which month. Of course, running days will still be with shorts but otherwise,a kilt it is. Let me know what you all think on either Facebook or here as a comment.

Until next time...

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