Sunday, July 7, 2013

Independence Day and my last race of summer.

What a way to start the summer!!! Traditionally, this weekend marks the start of this season here in the Pacific Northwest, with the hot and dry weather to arrive soon. Granted, we had a very warm spell last week with my allergies and mild heat stroke hitting me hard. Still, we don't get them but a few weeks a year so perhaps this will be one of the few!!!???

   Independence Day was on Thursday this year I cannot remember a louder and more active fireworks event in my time here. And that is saying something since I've lived here since 1985!
They went off all four nights but were so much louder than the past few years.Why is that? Larger and more potent? Don't know but the pets,kids and shut ins hate these things. I don't mind to a degree but after 11PM it is tough to sleep with them going off,shaking the apartment walls!

     On Saturday I ran my last half marathon of the year and last race of the summer. Usually the heat makes any activity worse and this year is no exception. Add the continuing issue with my arthritis,especially in the right hip and knee, and it makes things considerably worse. While I don't mind getting older, I DO dislike the health problems with it. When a teen I was diagnosed with arthritis, really juvenile rheumatoid arthritis . Every year it gets worse but does stay at bay for longer periods. Nothing can really be done about it either except pain management. Not doing much of that except aspirin sometimes when it really flares up. Anyways...back to the race!!!

 Arrived at the Gresham downtown core and a park where the event was being held. Not a large race with less than 200 entrants for the full and half marathons. I like smaller races and this was no exception. It led along the Springwater Corridor Trail in an out and back form. Due to a mild food poisoning the night before and some nasty hip/knee pain, I was not sure if I'd even run this race. But here I was,giving it a go. Ran well the first 7 miles and felt rather good. At mile seven,the wheels started to come off as my hip and knee ached something fierce! Also was a bit energy depleted due to lack of carbing up the day before. I slowed from a pace of 7:44/mi to 8:30. I struggled back to finish at 2:00:44, way under what I normally run a half in. Received our "medals" and took some photos. Here are a few:

                                                 Running peeps: Steve,Rob,Jules and myself.
                                                         Starting line with fresh smile!!
                                                      Finishing with forced smile! :-P
                                                Jules and Michelle!!
                                                 Jules,Michelle and myself!!
                                              Michelle and Michael Allen,who shot great photos of us!!

                                    And finally, my bib and "medal". This is not a jab of negativity at the quality of the award not the race itself, but I guess I expected a bit more for the entry price. The course was fun and shirt ok but felt the plastic medal with added sticker was the cheesiest I've ever received after a half marathon. Imagine the Full marathon runners and their efforts for such an award.  Oh well. A rather crummy award for a crummy race run by myself! :-P                           
                                           Again, not a slam but simply an observation.

    Ending the weekend on another positive note, the girls and I went to town today and  ended our time near Powell's,where I went for a pint with my good friend Michael and the girls went shopping and had some fun times. After that we all ended up at Powell's Books.

  The trip to Powell's was rather exciting today as Michael noticed famous movie director/producer Joss Whedon walking by! Admittedly, I knew only the name but not really who he was. Michael was thrilled and walked p to shake his hand and meet him. What a thrill. A little while later we all walked up to him and got some pics,which were posted on Facebook to the delight of some and irritation and jealousy of others who were not there! Fun times for sure!!!

     Some famous folk walk through Powell's now and then and this made everyone's day!!

    So that was the the end to a big weekend. No more races till autumn and no major events until the Portland Highland Games later this month. Now to go rest these weary legs and hope I'm ready to run in a few days!!!

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