Thursday, January 25, 2018

Changes yet again...


                          Life keeps throwing curve balls at me and while not always easy to adjust to,  they are not negative for the most part. In December I started working for Clark College and had filled out paperwork, jumped through a lot of hoops, to become a student as well and get my rear back to school. My desire was for an Associates of Arts degree in photography. Last time I did this about six years ago, all the money was in place with grants and scholarships. But, the Federal government dropped the ball and it fell through.  This time, the Pell grant was hardly anything at all and would not have paid for but one class. That means I would have had to go into debt and get loans to the tune of about $10K over two years. Umm, no. We became debt free after a LOT of hard work and years of saving, and are not about to bury ourselves with that just for a piece of paper. Especially since I would have at least a year of prerequisites to get through that have little to do with my photography.
So....looks like I won't be gong to Clark as a student after all. I tried but....I shall concentrate on free classes online and continued education in my chosen fields: photography, German, music.

While I'm still learning Welsh albeit at a much slower pace, German keeps cropping up and since I have a really firm foundation of years study, I want to get back to this. According to the program I use, I'm about 40% fluent , so there is hope!! Now, I need a practice partner!

Now that school is out of the question, my photography will be getting a LOT more attention. Dragon Digital has a decent amount of base already and I want to move towards more black and white  as well as many some film shooting again. The Clark College Photo Club has access to the darkroom and I would like to try pinhole cameras again and maybe my own enlargements sometime. Been many years since that, say about thirty three of them!!

Really, I don't have a lot of time for much else these days. between work, my sweethearts, chores and the usual tasks....little time is left for any major endeavors. This has been a busy year and I'm loving it, meeting new people as well as taking advantage of every moment I have!


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