Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Update on change!


                                         Last month I listed some of the changes intended for my life as things are moving at a quick pace, proving that so much passes by and needs to be savoured, enjoyed. Priorities were ascertained and detailed, making me step back and look at what I do daily, whom is part of my life, where I fit on this planet. So far, my progress has been good, with a few steps back in one department but advancements made in others! In the area of Facebook and my online footprint...this I have failed at. I am trying to spend more time in PERSON instead of on Facebook!

This has been easier lately with some schedules, others not so much. it is not easy working around others schedules and open time and that is simply how life is sometimes. My schedule has not changed with work and that makes it a bit easier on my end, so I'm hoping that in the future months there will be more balanced time with my partners, friends and hobbies/interests! I try my best but am not always successful, and a work in progress. Sure, there is always work to be done in the realm of communication, real life or online.

On October 31st, Halloween night, I stopped drinking alcohol. How long will this last...I don't know but I DO feel a LOT better when I don't drink and am not missing it at all! I save money, feel better, sleep better and just am happy to be without it. 

Alcoholism runs in my family and I needed to seriously consider what path I might take in this regard and giving it up was the easiest and best option. So, while it has only been fourteen days and tenderly new for most goals, I'm feeling very confident that this is a permanent thing and don't see myself going back to it. No, I never had a problem with it nor issues stopping. Just disliked the taste, feeling and side effects. And I will save money!

                                                              What takes it's place...????


Especially green tea, though I like black, Oolong and some herbal infusions as well. Tea is by far my favourite drink and this will seemingly always remain as it has for decades. I don't drink soda and keep my distance from juices but admit I like coffee. Tea as a gift will always work for me!


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