Thursday, April 24, 2014

Diagnosis and the future.

         When I was sixteen years old, i went to the doctor for diagnosis of a pain in my stomach that turned out to be an ulcer. Yes indeed, they happen in teenagers too. At the same time we talked about my joints and how they always hurt and caused me discomfort. I was active and thought perhaps this was simply part of the growing my body was still doing. No, they said I had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and to watch it carefully. Well, we forgot about it due to the ulcer really being the major issue of that time. Still, I had pain often for the next ten to fifteen years, with my joints being affected a few times a month. Then it steadily got worse with the occurances four to six times a month. Again, I simply chalked this up to life's aches and pains.

         As I have aged, it has become worse. Last year was a very busy year and I had a tough time with it, affecting my work as well as my running. I turned forty seven in November of last year and have noticed a sharp increase in the pain of all my joints. Without insurance the last three years, it was not going to be something I could have looked at unless rich or with coverage. This year though I was able to secure health insurance for us and made an appointment. After a good physical and clean bill of health for the overall James, I went to the Dr to see about a proper adult diagnosis of my arthritis. Was it rheumatoid or something else? After X-rays, blood tests and a meeting with the rheumatoid doctor, it now has been diagnosed as Psoriatic arthritis. A thirty year long bout.

         Which joints are affected. All listed above. Some days are OK with little pain and some days...excruciating. Men are not supposed to cry right? Well I do and that is on bad days. The arthritis will only get worse and can really end up with crippling hands and joints as I age. Some days my hands are a mess and I cannot grip very well and I fear for the future of my writing and other activities.

              I rate with five joints or more and it is not super common. My rheumatologist really helped me with what I can do,etc. Prefer NO meds as the side effects and liver issues make them something i do NOT want. There are some other options such as low grade and mild pain killers and THC that is now legal and available. Might have to try it on those really bad days. For now, I shall run through the pain if i can till I find something that works. Until I get a handle on it, I shall be careful not to eat things that exacerbate it nor use the hands and joints to perform tasks that make it tough to move the next day. Inflammation really is an issue here and the hand,toes and ankles/knees are the worst. Day by day is my motto and I shall continue to run until I no longer can.

      Some people do not share their health problems and some do. I have never been afraid to do this as it can be not only therapeutic but amazing in how much one can learn from others as they travel the same path.  We all need to share what ails us to some degree in hopes that cures and options can be discussed. 

     So, now that the bad news has been released and dealt with, the good news, no BEST news, is that I'm not all that bad off and there are SO many others in worse condition. I have a lot to be thankful for and with the girls by my side in life, all is perfect!!!!

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