Thursday, May 1, 2014

Who am I? What do I believe in??

   Cutting coffee completely out of my diet for awhile has not been easy. I stopped cold turkey and realized that was NOT the way for me. Weaning was the best path for this and so I have been doing that all week long, with a smaller cup every other day. Between those days, green or a blend of green/black tea has been my drink other than large amounts of water. Especially as the heat has been moving upward to the upper 80's. Yes, iced coffee sounds delightful and I shall eventually have one now and then. but for the present moment, I'm determined to get myself back to a less caffeine driven body and more focused on better foods and liquids. So far, the one day, Sunday, was the worst for the headache. All day!!! But I made it through and have been really decent since.

And tea is so refreshing, especially on hotter days. I'll be brewing iced tea a lot more often now.

           On the home front, our apartment has been in need of a spring cleaning and to get it ready for the hot summer ahead. We have been trying to simplify things as much as possible and been selling books, getting rid of unused items and doing a general clear out. Nothing better than a simple life with fewer material things. We shall never win the race for the most material possessions !!!!
This gives me more opportunities for meditation and alone time. Also a bit of a chance to study my Welsh,shakuhachi flute and Buddhist philosophy, which are never ending joys.  A friend asked me the other day if I considered myself a Buddhist. This was his vision of one:

    While I love the serenity and meditative, this is not what I am. Nor this...

    Although granted, this latter photo is stunning and I'd love to meditate in such a place. How amazing to have that view point. But, we have as stunning a view here in the pacific NW so I could if I wanted. No, that is not the Buddhist I am.

     I was raised as a Christian for many years and found way too much I didn't agree with and found very hypocritical. This was not love nor was it a compassionate and non-judgmental way of living. Living every moment in fear one would be found evil and a sinner and subject to the decisions of others who considered themselves loftier and sinless. This quote is spot on in many ways.

The organized religions were not for me. So I looked further into what would make ME happy and joyful, with the ability to love and live every day as happy as possible. To not judge others and to have a firm foundation of living NOW and not for what might happen in the future IF I did this or that. Buddhism is the one philosophy I have found to work best for me. Not the various sects that one sees such as Tibetan, Theravada or Mahayana. Zen would be the closest that I find to enrich me the most but even it has some things I don't agree with. So I take parts of the different I DO admire and agree with. THAT is my Buddhist lifestyle. I meditate at home, when I run and when I walk. THIS is the Buddhist I am. That loves unconditionally. That does my best to be as good a person as I can.To meditate on life and love every moment possible and be content with less. What a difference this has made for my attitude,personality and outlook on life. So, am I a Buddhist? Well, if I had to label myself for those who need them, I would say I'm a Buddhist Christian. Not the Buddhist in the full religious sense of the word as I don't go in for ceremony nor the various customs of a traditional Buddhist, nor do I worship Buddha, the deities or any others. I love things like this:

    If everyone followed such wise words,loved each other and had compassion,kindness and mindfulness....we would have no wars, no hate nor violence. This is what I want to see in my everyday life. This is the person James wants to be as he lives out his life on this planet. Loving all, being loved by others and doing the best I can to be a good and kind person. Human ideals that simply are part of both Buddhism and Christianity.

               That is who I am. Love me for who I am and not who you think I SHOULD be according to others believes and ideas.


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