Thursday, June 27, 2013

Do I really have time for French?

Racing is almost over for me with one last half marathon due over the Independence Day weekend.
As my arthritis has really bothered me lately, that is not a bad thing. I'm listening to my body and slowing down, taking more time and running fewer miles for now. At least until the autumn running/racing season.  Next up...the Freedom Half Marathon in Gresham, Oregon!!

  The arthritis condition I have, diagnosed as a teen, is most likely juvenile rheumatoid arthritis . They never had a real test to determine that back in the late 70's and early 80's but it is what it is and I'm stuck with it. It is especially felt during transitions between cold and warm weather, such as we have been experiencing the last month. Admittedly, it makes running tougher and there is simply no real way around that except through pain management. Some great ideas from friends work a bit, like cinnamon and honey taken daily and other healthy means. I refuse to take medications unless it is really necessary. They take such a toll on the body and organs that I prefer natural ways in doing this. OK, some of my running pals will pipe up and say I'm being a pansy and not really "running through it". This is PAIN, not an errant muscle issue that goes away but something I've had for many years and will get progressively worse as I get older. I'm VERY lucky that at age 46 I'm not worse off. So I try to be positive and not talk about it often.  :-)  Now and then, yeah, I whine. Apologies.

   Yesterday was an historic one as the Supreme Court struck down a major part of the DOMA at that was signed in by President Clinton during his time in office. That and a ruling against California Prop 8 means that friends of mine can now get married to the one they love and be treated as an EQUAL and not a second class citizen. !!This was way overdue and is one of the last civil rights issues still extant in this great country. Why did this take so long?
 Is the world going to stop spinning, the sun not rise, all marriage in this country that are hetero no longer valid? What are they worried about? Now is the time for the supposedly religious folks to really show that they have this love they preach about. To love their neighbors and care about them and  NOT whom they love. I have witnessed hate and vitriol from these "Christians" who are supposed followers of Christ yet show none of that. That is sad, pathetic and hypocritical.

    So, congratulations to all who now have the freedom to marry in those states that allow it and to love whom they want without the government telling them they cannot.

    After trying to wrap my head around the Welsh  language was not difficult but WAS made tough with no local speakers to practice with . Yes, I do have resources online but it is not the same. And Welsh is not an everyday language I find I can immerse myself in. German has always been my favourite language with French a close third. Now that I have a few friends learning this wonderful tongue, I shall give it a try again. My methods are a bit of a mix of old and new. I LOVE books and CD's as well as immersion in radio streamed from France and also apps on the ipods, etc. Complete immersion really does wonders to learn a language. So French I come!!! Should be fun!!

When I get fluent I have promised myself another trip to France, especially Provence and Nice.

  Having been to Paris before, I can appreciate and hold dear this wonderful country. But that beach above simply looks inviting!!!  Add a bottle of wine, olives, good food and friends...what more could one ask for? Well, maybe that sailboat on the Med perhaps!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Vancouver USA Marathon!

Quite a three day weekend of running events that started Friday afternoon at the Summer Brewfest in Esther Short Park. Picked up our packets for the Vancouver USA half marathon and Liberty for the Freedom 5K on Saturday morning. Love this park in my city and am there quite often all year round.

   After the pickup and some delightful beer at the brewfest, we went to Little Italy restaurant where we met up with some of our running friends and also Bart Yasso, who was  returning for the second time in two years. Always great to have him here in Vancouver!!!

   Saturday morning was off to a sad start as Liberty could not run the Freedom 5K due to being ill with a bug of some sort so I took her place and ran it instead. This was going to be a fun run as I had the half marathon the next day but I thought,hey why not try for a place in my age group and sixth out of the top 10 masters! I ran this race reasonably hard at a 6:44 per mile pace and came in 17th out of 281 runners,placing fourth in my age group ,five seconds behind the fellow in front of me. So close!! Great fun though and here are some pics from that day!

 Here in this shot with my new running friend Michael,whom I met at a Nike run earlier this week!!!
  This was his first ever race and he ran it well,clocking in under 29 minutes for a much deserved congrats!!!!
   It is rare to have a photo of me crossing the finish line but Ann shot these thankfully!!
   With my pal Rolf before the race started. He raced hard and took first in his age group!!!
   Yes, this fellow ran the race in his fireman's suit!!  I felt like a totally inadequate runner after seeing this!
                                            Michael and Ann with Bart Yasso before the race!!

 Then some carbs for dinner that night and an early day Sunday to run the Vancouver USA half marathon! We made it down there at 6:15am to see the full marathon peeps off on their race.

                                                     Ann with Jules before the marathon!!

   Tom and Kerianne before his race!!  He went on to qualify for Boston with a 3:28 time! WTG!!

  After they took off, we had a two hour wait till our half was to get underway. Here are some shots of friends and family as we waited!!


                                                            Here is one of Ann and myself:

   And this one of Rolf on the right and Ann's friend Donna in the middle. She came all the way from  Salem,Oregon to watch us race!!

                                                    And finally, the post race party pics!!!!!

                                                       Nice photo bomb there Jen!!!!!

  This was another great success by the Energy Events team and Vancouver USA Marathon! Now we  can't wait for next years race and even better things!!!