Monday, June 19, 2017

Pride 2017 and an amazing Father's Day experience!


                                                As June 2017 rolls on, Pride in Portland does as well. And the same weekend as Father's Day on what used to be Vancouver Marathon weekend. That race has been moved up to September and thus allowing me the opportunity to go to the Pride parade for the first time in five years. Since coming out in 2009, I have been attending the Pride events in Portland with glee and a sense of belonging that before that momentous year would have left me aching to be myself. Unfortunately, Ann couldn't make it to this year's event but Dena and I went together and had a great time. Here are some of the photos I shot from the sidelines at 6th and Davis!

                                                                                   It was a fun event and we had a delightful time showing pride and in supporting our friends and community! The weather was about perfect at 80°.
The next Pride event is in Vancouver in July and we hope to all attend that as well.


                    Father's Day 2017 was to become an amazing and eventful day in my life. As many know, my father passed away back in March of 2008 yet I feel his presence daily, in one form of another. And I still see him in the world around me as well as when memories appear. but yesterday, well this was one that will live inside me forever.      

                     Both Dena and I were sitting at her place, having  discussion about genetics, and what features I had inherited from my parents. My nose was from my mother, eyes and crows feet from my father, etc. This was an enjoyable discussion that would change in incredible ways. While we were chatting, Pandora was playing through the TV and was on the bluegrass channel, a style of music my father was starting to enjoy. While we were discussing him, the artist playing the guitar scrolled across the screen and it was Don Ross.  This I'm not kidding about. My jaw dropped, Dena looked the TV and saw it. We both looked like codfish with mouths open and in shock and amazement that it had just happened. OK, seriously...think about this: we are discussing my father, Don Ross, on Father's Day. When across the screen his name appears as the artist playing the music my dad liked. WOW!!! It took awhile to sink in that this was something special. Hell yes, I know it was him saying "I hear you and understand and appreciate it, that I love you all and miss everyone"! That he is indeed with us and has ways of letting us know. This, I believe, was him saying so. It still gives me shivers to think about and it will forever be an experience in my heart and soul for all my days. I'm fortunate that Dena was there to also experience this as he would have loved to know her. As an expert in the paranormal realms and a Reiki master, she knows full well the impact and seriousness of such things.

                      So, there you have it. An amazing weekend filled with all ranges of emotion from different angles. Not one I'm soon to forget! <3 <3 <3 <3

                                                   Miss you dad, LOVE YOU! <3
