Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Goals for 2017...


                                What a year this has been! As usual, it was a mixture of both very positive events and negative happenings that all shaped 2016 into a most interesting and monumental one. Did I stick to the goals I had set last December? For the most part, yes. I still am learning Welsh and playing the shakuhachi as well as Celtic flute. The German went by the wayside as I took up Scottish Gaelic but the holidays and other work really dampened that. So...I have new goals for the coming year.

1)  Still continue Welsh and Scottish Gaelic, adding in German when I can. I've been using Duolingo and also Say Something in Welsh for those and hope to add the online courses in Gaelic soon.

 2)  Continue running and losing a few pounds as I lost mileage in 2016 and want to get that back on schedule. LOVE to lose 20 lbs and hope the joints/muscles don't ache as badly. :-(

3)  And finally...the most time consuming project I will have: genealogy. I LOVE to research this subject and have a long way to go on my own family tree as well as helping a few others with theirs. Will be spending a LOT of time on Ancestry as well as other sites, digging into my family's past and everything about them. Just sent in for the Ancestry DNA test and will get those back soon.

Over the years I have tried to keep building up too many goals as I never get to complete them or get distracted during the year. These are good and healthy goals I will thrive on and will make me happy as well as accomplish some delightful things!

   As this year closes, I think back to how many beloved and incredible people have left us to move on to other places: Prince, George Michael, Carrie Fisher, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Gene Wilder and many others. Yeah, I is life. And death. But that doesn't mean we still have to like it. I accept it and have different thoughts regarding it now and am not afraid like before. Still, we miss these lovely people and those in our lives. May 2017 be a bit less active in this department and
an incredible one for all of you!!
