Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I'm published on Amazon; Update: new DNA mapping


                              The year 2019 has been a VERY busy one as well as an adventure! I can truly say that so far, it has been among the best ever in my life!! So many new people, new vistas, opportunities and goals! This blog post will start with the incredible news of my work being published! Yes, a publisher who enjoyed my photos work has decided to offer me a contract to print
photos on the covers of contemplative journals ! These are for offer on Amazon and now number twenty different options. Here are a few of the offerings by cover:

I'm indebted to Sea Wright Publishing for their efforts in getting my work out there and bringing these to press!!
As the year moves on, I'm hoping to add another ten to this total and really hope they take off in sales!!

 These journals make great gifts and are available at the link below:


                                                                 DNA update!!

As many know, I have posted my DNA and family tree results here many times. Ancestry and 23 and Me are continually revising their data and detailing the numbers as to accuracy. This new update is MUCH better and closely aligns with my family tree. Here is the new map of my heritage:

Seeing that they finally got the numbers correct for the Great Britain aspect makes me happy, as it lines up with my genealogy and the family tree. Most of my heritage is from Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England. Within the realm of Great Britain, I would estimate that is breaks down like this:


                                       So, that is the update Ancestry just shared with me!
