Monday, November 11, 2013

New resolutions...why wait for 2014?

                                                      Most people seem to wait till the first of January to start new resolutions and begin a path to new goals. This year, I'm deciding on my birthday to do this instead. That would be today, Veterans Day, November 11th. As I turn 47 years old, I reflect back on my life and the wonders, joys and delights so far as I have traveled various paths. No doubt they all lead to where I am right now,obviously. But there are some things I want to continue with so very badly, other things I want to discard,or have already.
                                                     The first things to discard ....all negativity that I have control over!! Anything that tears down,degenerates,hurts,causes pain or is just plain mean. I have no room for such things in my life any longer and if it is within my power, I shall either get rid or it or distance myself from it. Granted, I have been doing this for the last five years but it gets stronger every moment.

                                           Doing THIS has allowed me to expand my own consciousness and be a much happier person than ever before. So I shall continue this in the future. :-)

                                           Next up...PRACTICE!!!!!  Yes, practice. I have never been very good at maintaining a well regulated and normal routine with any instrument or language practice. This is something I share with many a musician for sure. My life is busier now than it has ever been so I NEED to make room for it. So, starting today I shall make room for a minimum of 10 minutes for shakuhachi practice!! I know such a small and trivial amount seems easily attained but with my schedule it is no easy task. And I want that 10 minutes to be the MINIMUM. This way I can progress with my playing and get better.

                                                   In addition to the shakuhachi, I MUST get into a better routine of meditation. It has fallen by the wayside as far as normal timing goes and I don't do it nearly enough.
This is even tougher to do if quiet is needed as no matter where I go, noise abounds. At home one would think it possible but living in an apartment complex,there is always someone outside your window making some kind of commotion. Hence why I have been using walking and running meditation to accomplish this. Not the same but it works very well!!!

                                                     Now that I have my clear goals in view, starting is simply a matter of doing. Today is going to be superb,even with the nasty cold I'm fighting. Why?? Because as long as I'm alive and breathing,there is more right with me than wrong with me (Jon Kabat-Zinn).
Awareness,mindfulness,meditation and leading a somewhat simple life without a care for money or the striving after material goods. I'm trying to attain this every day. Not that I don't like money or need it. But I don't let it own me nor become a focus in life.

With these few and , what should be simple goals in front of me, I'll try to stay on the path that is so enriching to my life. This path of BEING and existing in the moment, of being aware and loving my all people and sentient beings, of not being afraid or fearful of the future because I'm not conforming to someone's way of life or thoughts...THIS is the path for me. To be MYSELF. The James Donald Ross I have become now at the age of forty seven. Not that I won't change further in my life as I plan on being around quite awhile. We ALL change in life. A former workmate said the other day that I had really changed. Really? I have!! All for the better. People will and always do change and that is what makes things interesting. I'm happier and more content now than ever before in all of my existence. And it can only get better if one wants it and allows it to be so. The zen  Ensō () circle to the left, which is also tattooed on my right arm, is associated with Zen.It symbolizes absolute enlightenment, strength, elegance, the universe, and the void; it can also symbolize the Japanese aesthetic itself. As an "expression of the moment" it is something I relate to in that it is not connected together,allowing other aspects of life to be made accessible to me.

                                                         With these things said, I'm off to practice the shakuhachi and then meditate.  I shall end this blog post with a hearty THANK YOU to all the Veterans and service men and women who protect us every day. Thank you for your service.


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