Friday, October 14, 2016

Has it really been that long?


Seriously? Has it really been over a month since the last blog post? Horrible, I tell you. I have been disgustingly lax in keeping my blog up to date and need to seriously work on this. All three blogs!
Admittedly, when I get busy and have full days, I forget. That sucks. And I promise to blog more often, rarely following through.

So, yet again and with renewed vigor and commitment, I will try my best at posting at LEAST once a week. What the hell am I going to blog about once a week that ANYONE will want to read? Who knows. But I will give it a shot. 

The last month has brought about the very desired change in weather and season, making my body and mind much happier. Certainly it seemed to have changed almost overnight instead of a gradual change. Rain has moved in. In fact, yesterday and tomorrow are examples of very stormy weather, possibly being of "historic" proportions, according to the National Weather Service. Yesterday was not the big event forecast, so hopefully tomorrow's event is the same.

While I enjoy Mother Nature's displays and the power, it tends to shut down the planet around me and make it more difficult than it actually should be. Usually due to lack of preparation by the population. Thing is, we really have it good. This is one of so many reasons I LOVE living in the Pacific NW. Very rare to have natural disasters other than a volcano every 200 yrs or the occasional storm, such as is now approaching. I feel badly for those in tornado alley and the south east where hurricanes plague them. Maybe this is why we are seeing yet another influx of people moving here. 

On the running and cycling front: I have slowed down the cycling due to weather but the running seems to still be hanging in there. All depends on the day and how the joints feel. But, at least I am still running and that is the key. As I approach my 50th birthday, I'm very thankful for all that I can still do and for everything in my life! It is a wonderful life and I'm truly blessed! :-)

My good friend Patrick has accepted a job in Ireland that moves him away in less than a week. I'm so happy for him in this superb adventure and know he will be so glad such a choice was made. Most certainly I want to go visit him on The Emerald Isle , hopefully next year if things work out. Might even be able to slide through Wales and Scotland while there. Now I need to get my passport renewed for such a journey. They are not cheap any more (never were) but at $140 for a ten year form of ID, they are so well worth the money. Now, what do I work on for language? Back to Welsh again or Gaelic (Irish)? Seems Gaelic is not really necessary as everyone speaks English. My Cymraeg has been calling me back so I might hit Duolingo again and get a few books out. Might even learn a bit more of Scottish Gaelic!


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