Sunday, July 21, 2013

Ink, classical guitar and the dog days of summer.

As the month of July winds down to expose the "dog days " of summer, I struggle, like  every year, with the heat and dryness of the season. Even at the age of 46 I dislike this time of year when the temps creep over 85°. So I tend to slow my running paces down, stay inside more and practice whatever instrument I'm learning at the time. For a few years it has been both Native American flutes, the Japanese Shakuhachi and also classical guitar. The flutes tend to be my autumn and winter/springtime instruments and the guitar a whenever one. Lately, now that my fingers have partially healed  from the cat attack and subsequent infections , I've wandered back to my guitar playing. They still ache and are in pain daily but at least I can bend them to a playing position.
This is what they looked like a day after the attack:

  Eventually they got worse than that and I almost lost both hands. Fortunately I made it to the hospital on time and here we are. I blogged about this a few months ago so if you want more info, check the archives. So now, I can play my classical guitar with a bit more dexterity and at least practice. Not for long,maybe a half hour at most, but I CAN. Here is a photo of my beloved Cordoba Dolce guitar:

   So the Fender Stratocaster goes back in it's bag and the Cordoba gets priority now. Going to HOPEFULLY concentrate on scales, a few Spanish and classical pieces while getting my fingers to cooperate. For those of you who are not familiar with classical guitar, go research or Google these names:   Andres Segovia, Augustin Barrios, Albeniz, John Williams (not the film composer), David Russell, Tarrega, Torroba and classical guitar in general.

    For the last five  years I have been  slowly indulging myself in the world of ink, namely tattoos.
In my previous life, they were thought of as horrid and forbidden examples of what a nice guy should not have on his body. Ok....whatever.Many ask..."What about when you are an old man? What will they look like when you are 90?". Hell, if I make it to 90, I won't care WHAT they look like and will be happy I lived that long!!!
                                            So, I sought out my first tattoo and now am loving how the ink looks on my body, hoping to go fill in the rest of my arms with the finishing touches in the near future. These are all designs that mean something to me and not some random flash art from a studio wall.  My artist, Doug Auld, has inked every one of them and will be doing the rest as well. He does great work and makes it a truly enjoyable experience to go in and get inked. Here are some pics of what I now have on my arms and legs:

  This is the first tattoo I ever received, my Pheidippides. He runs with me everywhere!!!!

                                       A Japanese woodblock print by Hiroshige from 1832:

                         The world map, for my travels...

                         A compass for guidance in my travels and in life...

                                                            My favourite Mahler song!!!!

                            My Scottish heritage in the Saltaire flag and thistle.
                                                   My native heritage and also flute circle mascot.

The lion rampant for my English heritage and the love of tea with a tea leaf and Chinese symbol for it.

Then two dragons for my Welsh heritage

                                               And another two for love of all things Dragon and the Celtic dragon for the love of the ladies in my life!!! Entwined dragon heart!

                           Finally, my Journey scarab, my second tattoo ever. This is for the love favourite rock band!!!  They got me through some tough times back in the teen years. This is the least I could do! Surrounding it is a Van Gogh Starry night with slight variations and above them all the bi-crescent moons to symbolize my orientation.

                      So there are some of my tattoos. Soon, the lower arms will be connected with various patterns to give them all a finished look.  Thanks to Doug Auld for all the work he has done over the years. He has done them all!! Looking forward to more work soon Doug!!!!

            August is inching closer which means that in a month...FOOTBALL season starts!!!  :-)


1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying getting inked as well. My artist won't do my stocking seam tattoos, so I'm in the market for someone who will. (I told myself that as soon as I ran my first 8-minute mile, I'd get "Play" and "Hard" tattooed up the backs of my legs in cursive and then the line would become a stocking seam. I ran that two months ago...) It's just as addictive as running!
