Sunday, February 9, 2014

Diolch for the snow and ice storm!!

Here in the Pacific Northwest, winters are not as harsh as the other locations across the US. Especially in the Portland/Vancouver area and along the coast. But, every five to ten years we get hit with something and this was the year. We had more snow fall in the last few days than in the past 21 years. Needless to say, it certainly cripples a region that is not prepared for such events. We had a mere 9" at the apartment complex and this photo I took was before round three of snow and then freezing rain, which coated everything with a thick layer of ice.

This has made travel a mess and most of us stay inside unless absolutely necessary. The negatives are the usuals: cabin fever, not able to get out when one wants,worry about friends and family.
The positives: time to run in the snow (which I was able to do TWICE before the ice arrived) and and time to study Welsh!! This has turned out to be a grand thing as I was at a brick wall as far as my learning and retention. When I run and concentrate, I do really well. When at home ,with finger on the pause button, I simply don't. Not sure why. Perhaps my brain needs multi tasking to occur to retain? BUT....when I watch lessons online/video,write and listen at the same time, good things happen.This tells me I will be tweaking the way I learn a bit and finding that special sweet spot when my brain is more receptive. I DO admit that a pint of ale or glass of wine certainly helps!!! So, should I have them lined up???

  The thought is tempting I must admit. Will have to conduct further research in this area, publishing my findings here eventually. It WILL be fun studying this for sure. :-)

On the Cymraeg (Welsh language) front... I've now completed the first seven lessons!! This is a big deal as they are so packed with information and sentence structure that they are daunting indeed. I'd say I have 75% of the words and grammar down right now and that a few re-visits to lessons 5 to 7 will be needed. Monday last, we had our second meetup of the Cymraeg i Oedolion Portland/Vancouver-Welsh speakers group and had a great time!!!

Looking forward to the next Cymraeg i Oedolion Portland/Vancouver-Welsh speakers group meetup on 17 February at McMenamin's Kennedy School pub, in the Boiler Room bar. I'm finally getting confident enough to speak up a wee bit and belt out some Welsh! I feel pretty damn happy about what I've learned in this short time since 29 December. Immersion is cwl!!!!

On the running front, I'm happy to report that I have now increased weekly mileage to 20+ and am feeling wonderful!! I haven't run this consistently and well since last March. The sciatica (and arthritis) still hit me but seems to be when I'm not running as of late and more when sitting and bending at certain angles. A sure sign that I'm finding the trouble spots. Now to increase the mileage to 30+ over the next few months and get ready for racing season. That starts, for me, with the Fort Vancouver 15K race on 2 March,2014. As this is the first run of the year, I don't expect anything great but want to simply have a great time with my running peeps!!!!

There is also a running expo at Foot Traffic Saturday next on 15 February that is a gold mine for those wishing to sign up early for this years races!! No, I don't have a dog in the fight here but love to post these reminders for my peeps in case they forget.

On that note, I'll look forward to seeing my friends at the Expo or at the Fort Vancouver race!!!

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