Thursday, August 21, 2014

Smiling runners??

                                                                    Yes!! And no. Both are possible and over the last few years, I have been making mental notes as to what my eyes have witnessed over the last year of running, whether at races or the daily routes I take. And the first thing I look for when I see another runner, other than to check if I know them, is whether they are SMILING. :-)  Yep, I really do look for smiles. It is what makes me happy!

                  There are times when a runner is really happy to be out and imbibing in the elixir of life and enjoying those endorphins. What a grand thing to experience!!!!

                  Really? Do we ALL look like that fella there to the right? We don't. Not that we don't have our moments of painful runners face or that "I can't wait to get home to the bathroom" look. We most certainly can admit to at least one of those. No, we don't always smile. Not at work, the supermarket or the doctor's office.


But most of the time I see smiles on my fellow runners!!  It is something that makes people happy. I mean seriously, look at these folks after having run quite a few miles of the last race I attended. Are these stolid and unhappy looks from runners who were forced to race?? I don't think so! Happy faces, smiles. I LOVE smiles!

They are really having a good time and show it. The few times I have attended racing events that seem to be more thematic or obstacle course style, the participants don't smile near as much. Is it the toughness of the course or event? Are they having "fun" or having FUN!!!!! I cannot judge that nor will I assume anything. But the evidence of smiles does seem to be something to consider. Granted, after a full marathon or Spartacus race, some will NOT be smiling. These are tough events that wear a person down. But still, many love them and are smiling!

                                                  What about your average runner on the street? What do you encounter when you run past another? Do you wave and smile? Or keep your head down low, not wanting to make eye contact for some reason. And when you DO make that contact, are they smiling?  Well???

OK, if they are across the street it can be tough to see if they are smiling.  So, do you wave when you pass them by, or signal to them? Perhaps if they are closer, what about a "Good Morning" or "Good (whatever time of day)"?? That can make all the difference in the world to us as runners. It really can set the tone for the rest of the day or night if we are greeted by another fellow runner, enjoying the same activity. We are on the same wavelength and know what the other is going through when out on the road, injured or not.

                                                    And when we are in a great mood, that can translate to the smile.
That wonderful, delightful and superb way of communicating joy that we are having a good time and feeling the same way!!! Is that infectious? Absolutely!!! Any who agree, raise your hand. Or both!!!

                                                    We might even be so bold as to be close enough to the other runner to indulge in a well known human bit of contact called....

                                                      Yep. the high five. Ah, perhaps we don't go that far when out on the road or trail when getting our miles in for the day. But still, isn't that fun nonetheless!!! Now, we all do that at races and I rarely see some who are so crotchety and mean that they refuse a high five or post race bit of encouragement. That is only part of why we are happy to be runners.  Yet it is one of the best and happiest parts.

                                                       So, when you are out for a run on the road or trail, SMILE.
Make eye contact and  say hello to that fellow runner, walker or non creepy stalker type of citizen.
Sure, they are out there too. We all have to be on guard. but the majority are not the aforementioned weirdos. and imagine how your smile and attitude can set the tone for not only their day and run, but your own!!Then we ALL end up smiling like these folks!!!! Not a frown around!!!


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