Sunday, August 24, 2014

What can I do to help? Grow a beard???

                                                                      Over the last few months we've seen a plethora of posts and news stories about the Ice Bucket Challenge and giving for ALS research. Locally, we have runners and others taking up causes for everything from breast cancer research to leukemia and other diseases. For myself, I have tried in the past to raise funds for a few groups I feel strongly about. One is to find a cure for prostate cancer. It is another silent killer and needs to be eradicated. Sure, it is something only men deal with. But ALL of us are affected by it. So we need a cure as well.

                                                                      Last September I had decided to grow a beard for a month in September, to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer research. The organization I chose was called Septembeard. Men grow beards for the month and the funds raised go to individually selected hospitals and research centers that the one donating picks. I have checked out their past, the totals that go to the centers and this is a legitimate charity group. Sure, many won't donate unless they know where their money goes. I understand that for sure. If you'd like to donate while I grow the beard, it would be helping out for sure. If not, that is fine as well.We only made $25 last year but that helped.

There is NEVER any pressure to donate or to even acknowledge the posts on my blog or the Facebook link that follows the post. And I shall never individually solicit any finds from ANYONE.

but, why not at least take a few seconds and look it over ,if you can, and read about it and at least give it some thought. no matter how small the donation one makes, every bit helps.

I'll make this post short and to the point. Donate if you can and as the month progresses,I shall post totals as well as photos of the beard under construction.

My team will be known as Vancouver USA Bearded runner.   Team #2886  Vancouver USA Bearded Runner.  If anyone joins me, I shall add an "S" to it and make this a real team.

Looking forward to growing out the whiskers starting next Monday, 1st September!!  Come join me and grow or donate to help us all!!

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