Friday, November 18, 2016

Life's halfway point...and add another language!


         As many already know, due to my consistent blabbering nature and never shut up mentality, last Friday on November 11th was my 50th birthday. It was a lovely day filled with memories as I had lunch with Dena, her parents and Chloe at Namaste, a delightful Indian restaurant in Vancouver. Yes, I stuffed myself with naan, paneer, curry and everything I could on the menu from sub-continent. This family owned chain is one of my favourites and I was to visit the Portland location with Heather the following week, it is THAT delicious!

         Many also know that I have had a life filled with few birthday celebrations, those with parties were at ages 6 and 7. But, I don't need a party. I don't need gifts (not that I don't LOVE them, I do !)
But what I love the most, is the time spent with those I love. A dinner, a lunch, a pint or drinks with my friends who can manage it. what I like the most. This week I will go to lunch with a few others and also celebrate Ann's birthday , which is today! Happy Birthday, Ann!

        As for my own 50th, now that I have passed that mark, I reflect a lot about the first half of my life. Yep, I plan on making it to 100 and am at the halfway part of this incredible journey. Sure, it is more like I'm 18 and have 32 years of experience! And I plan on making the next 50 even better!

       For some reason, I see 2017 as being an instrumental and major year for me. Not sure why nor have any inkling as to direction changes. Just a feeling. And it is a positive one! I love the unknown sometimes! Life has thrown a few curve balls my way but for the most part, I'm VERY happy with it and where things are . May it continue as blessed !


  Now, the part that I have avoided for so long: the election on November 8th. On social media I have kept my personal beliefs and thoughts to myself as I watch so many of my friends and acquaintances squabble over who is right and who is wrong in this contentious and divided election year. Some have unfriended each other on Facebook and even stopped associating after years of being friends. How sad is that! All over politics? Asinine indeed. Yet, I do know and understand how this has divided a nation that I love. I will start by saying I didn't vote for EITHER of the candidates. My reasons are my own. I DID vote for all of the other places on my very large Washington State ballot and know only one of them turned out to be opposite of what I had hoped. Therefore my votes did indeed count!

Yet the Presidential election seems to be where everyone focused all their attention when so man y other things were also in play and at stake. I will say this about the race for president:

I cannot understand and believe how many voted for a man with such a bigoted, racist, chauvinistic and fatalist attitude and view of his fellow citizens. His track record was dismal and he imbued hatred for any others not like himself. And that so many "Christians" voted for a man who stood out on the opposite side of their religious fence astounds me further. Religion should NEVER be mixed with politics like the founders of this nation desired and put forth. Yet, it still has it's role to some and that is what divides us all further. As a non religious but spiritual man, I stay out of that realm and keep myself free from the infighting. But the new President to be has shown his true face to the American public and we now are witnessing the backlash from supremacist and far right groups in attacking the rights of those not white, nor "Christian". Scary indeed for all of my POC, LGBT, non Christian and minority friends and family. It is not the media promoting this hatred but the people in these positions and it needs to stop. Alas, the new administration has given life again to an evil and disgusting creature in the form of hatred for others they don't understand or are fearful of due to ignorance. May this disappear soon! Neither side of this campaign had very positive traits , enough to elect with a good conscience. In fact, many did not vote with this most essential part of being a human: a conscience. And THAT could be the undoing of a great country if things don't change,

  Therefore, I hope that the next time this happens, people will have learned. Until then, I will stay out of the political fray unless in person with those I know and love. Who won't argue and  are accepting of others opinions. That was a rarely seen thing during the last year. Now, I step off my soapbox, hoping that this blog post doesn't cause some to actually cease friendship over such a thing as ugly as politics.


    As I sit at the Starbucks across the street from Powell's Books, one of my favourite places on this planet, many things flit through my mind. The wind has picked up, causing the trees to drop their remaining leaves and scatter them around, proving that winter is close and the cold today not a fluke.


It is a delightful time of year and I truly enjoy all of the seasons aspects. The next month of events will prove to be fun and one filled with love!


Finally, among the many activities that keep me busy, one that has been continual is that of my Welsh lessons as well as photography, etc. Now, I have decided to drop German and add Scottish Gaelic to the lesson plan and devote my time to those two Celtic tongues. The Pan Celtic nations , or Six Celtic Nations, are going to be a subject of research for me and hopefully I can attain some proficiency in reading and writing Welsh and Gaelic. The Welsh is coming along well on Duolingo, Say something in Welsh and various other programs. Scottish Gaelic is a lot tougher and does not have as many options. Still, it will be a language I hope to tackle more in 2017 and beyond. After all, it is a language my ancestors probably spoke and it should never be allowed to die out.

                                   Now...on to hit the books and get deep in Gaidhlig and Cymru!!

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