Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November goals: are they possible?


                                                                 Today marks the start of my favourite month of the year...November! So many amazing things are in store for this most auspicious of months in the calendar of one Seumas Dòmhnal Ross, most especially a birthday marking fifty years on this planet.
That will be arriving on the 11th, Veteran's Day, and is one I shall be indeed enjoying. I prefer, though, to remember those Vets who have given their time, lives and dedication to the safety of our country. I consider it an honor to have my birthday on this day!

Today also marks the beginning of a few challenges I would like to see through. First, my desire to see myself ten pounds lighter by December 1st, losing the weight gained over the last 6 months. I'm giving up alcohol for one month and this will indeed be a challenge as I do enjoy my single malt as well as brews and wine. Doing this on the month of my birthday was probably a idiotic move but really, it will make it a moment of pride in accomplishing this daunting task! 

  Another challenge: No Shave November/Movember has arrived. Now, I did start a bit early last month, on October 15th, to get donations going and sign up for the events. This means I have a bit of facial fuzz already in place. It isn't a race nor a contest to see who has the most or best whiskers, but a drive for a good cause: to cure cancer in men and show support.

It has been awhile since having whiskers this long and will be another challenge in keeping them for the month. Having had handlebar moustaches, beards and the like before, it will be easier than last time. Not sure how I will look with the long hair and whiskers but it is worth it for the donations and the cause! Please...donate anything you can at the link above! 

  So many other things happening this month as well, including: Ann's birthday, Thanksgiving Day (so look forward to this holiday at the Geurassio house and time with Dena and her family), the Hot Buttered Run 5K, running more, shooting photos and a host of other autumn fun!! Let the delights begin!


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