Sunday, March 24, 2013

Funny things happen when one wears a kilt...

Yes, it is funny how people react when a man wears a kilt. I'm not talking about Highland games weekends nor Burns Supper night in January when kilted poets attend an evening of the famous author's words. No,just the average week day when people are going about their various activities.
This is the third weekend of being "kilted" and going out in public with said Highland dress.
In the time spent out and about,within eye shot of the good citizens of my fair city,so many reactions have been noted. Now there are the obvious looks from children,especially those under the age of 10.

Boys and girls of this age,for the most part, have not yet learned of the kilt and it's association with Scotland,Ireland and the other communities of the world. So when one is seen, they usually will turn to stare,open mouthed in wonderment as to what they see as something men should NOT wear.
This has happened more times than I can count in the short time of wearing my kilt and I have enjoyed the various reactions and resulting actions by these children. Fortunately, most of the time if a parent is there they receive a quick lesson on kilts and of their use,etc. The kids are almost always smiling and happy, learning something new and hopefully remembering the experience.

The next group of children, ages 12 to 17 or so tend to act as we all expect. Giggles,laughs,comments and,if they are boys in the presence of girls,ignorant and stupid remarks. These are also funny as I fully remember being a teen and my total lack of understanding where world cultures and dress were concerned.

 Yes, I would probably have made funny noises and remarks too so therefore I never say anything nor chide these teens for their lack of knowledge. Actually,this group of people seem to me the easiest to educate and teach about things Scottish or kilt related.They simply find it daunting or are shy in asking questions.

Now we arrive at the age group that can pose issues for the kilt wearer. That 18-30 age group that SHOULD know better as to what a kilt is and that it is NOT a skirt nor a dress. Most are knowledgeable about this and many times I have heard them say "Hey,check out that kilt" and "That
is awesome!". Here is where I find my heart happy as they KNOW what I'm wearing and appreciate it. The exceptions are those of drinking age at bars and in establishments where showing off when drunk is fun to them. Never wear your sgian dubh,or small knife,to the bars or any event where someone might see it as a threat. Actually it never was designed as that even though many think it so.

Like the photo above, it was used as a utensil and not a weapon. For some reason though the drunk and ignorant person seeing it feels threatened and therefore offers a challenge. Not a good thing.
Still, this age group is learning more and more about Highland dress due to it's continued popularity and rise in the fashion world.There is hope after all!!

The last groups are the 30-50 crowd and then the 50 and up section of society in America. In my limited experience so far with them,both appreciate and acknowledge the kilt MUCH more than I expected. OK,yes there have been a few redneck ignoramuses with the doltish comments about "Hey,look,a guy wearing a skirt" or "What do you have under that?". I have appropriate comments and comebacks for every contingency depending on who asks so no problem there. But the smiles,nods and generally favourable impressions have come from these age groups.

In my three weeks I have had more than ten people come up and ask about the kilt I'm wearing.Usually they first ask if I'm Scottish,to which I proudly reply no,I'm American of Scottish and Welsh descent. Then they ask a variety of questions from how it attaches to,yes, what is underneath it. The BEST part about wearing a kilt (other than the freedom,pride and love of being part Scottish and wearing a kilt) are the looks,smiles and nods from the ladies!!! Even had a very attractive lady stopped at a light yell out her window "Nice legs and kilt!". Makes it all worth it for sure!! Not that they ALL want to do this:

But the mystery and questions about a kilted man evidently hold some in suspense and make the ladies happy to see one. I sure never experienced such looks BEFORE the kilt so this is a delightful change!! No, I shall not stop wearing a kilt now. :-)  They shall forever be part of my wardrobe. Not a daily part but perhaps once a week. As time goes on I'll share more reactions to the kilt and hopefully add many to the collection.

These observations are solely mine and what I have encountered in my very limited time of wearing a kilt. Others might have all positive reactions and some will have negative ones. Most will have a mix but with a large percentage being good. So if you are a guy and want to give the kilt a try...GO FOR IT!!!  Give it a go and see how great you feel!!  Someday I hope to see things like this as common...


  1. You look very nice in a kilt too.

  2. My experience in Germany:
    kids - same here
    teens - same here
    adults - most know "kilts" only from Fastnacht (The german time to wear costumes) and highland games. Mostly nice comments, occasionally the naughty lady trying for a peek or a pic (my wife can get rather vitriolic when that happens :-) )
    The worst are the 50ish "mommas". Seems they have no shame at all, especially when they are not alone - several of them on a "ladies" outing - with a bottle of sparkly wine - in the train: HELL!

