Thursday, December 25, 2014

Challenges of the heart.


                                                                 As we travel down this road of life, our hearts can take a beating when the drama and circus of emotions pummel it. From our earliest years of existence, we guard it, train it and "think" with it. A certain Jon Kabat Zinn once mentioned in "Coming to Our Senses" that in every Asian language, the word for "heart" is the same for "mind". While I take him at his word, and contain myself from examining every possible language spoken of, this one line made an impression on me. And I must say that I agree with it. Our hearts and minds are inexplicably linked in all ways. The slightest tug on one can cause the other to feel it's effects, usually with some type of reaction. So, which one do we follow when the time comes for a decision to be made?

                                                                 The last month in my life has been an amazing journey, yet one filled with bumps in the road as well as some highs that made the lows worthwhile. I have gone from losing a vehicle to old age, necessitating her to being scrapped, to some relationship changes that impacted my family. Yet, the things that happened were not all negatives. Even as they happened, the mind grasped the events, dealt with them and then told the heart to just relax. Take it easy and work through this. My Buddhist studies and meditation/mindfulness have been a tremendous help in this regard. My stress level has been super low, even with all of these things happening. Losing my job would normally be a stress filled event. Yet, it really isn't.  It is another transition in life that brings new challenges and opportunities. And even these involve the heart.

                                                                       So, here I stand on the precipice of one year ending and another beginning. Yet, this one is different. The last few years have been busy and exciting, as well as a joy. Yet even though I know that 2015 will also be similar, so many dynamics have changed for me that no doubt it will be different.In the last month I have met so many new people who have changed my life, inspired new modes of thinking and challenged me to think in a clearer way. Not that they themselves have suggested it or sat me down to produce words of wisdom. Far from that. Their actions alone have done this, These...these actions that make me critique my OWN responses so as to better myself, to improve the mind and heart that is involved inside of me. Therefore, I want to thank each and every one of my family, friends, lovers, acquaintances and unknowns who pass through my life. I thank you for helping me to better myself, quite often without your even knowing it. Many DO indeed know that they have affected my life. That they have contributed to the overall joy, passion, pleasure and happiness contained inside this mind and heart is ,well,simply wonderful.                                                                            
                                                                    Rumi said it well....

   Keep the light burning in your heart and you ARE home. Learn to live inside this home ,inside your heart, and make it the seat of everything you do. Just like the physical home we live in, the heart that is our home can be visited by various people, some staying longer than others. Some make a small place in our hearts to stay awhile, becoming a long time resident, while others only camp out a few days. It is WHOM we allow to stay that can prove to be either a disaster or a delight. In 2014, I had the pleasure of allowing some to stay in my home, my heart, and they were most certainly welcome. Some left on good terms and are always welcome back. A few have just recently taken up residence and will hopefully be staying awhile. They know who they are and have already proven themselves to be tenants of the utmost quality, with all the best qualifications. May they enjoy the stay as long as they like and even decorate the place a little. My heart has room for many. <3  There will always be challenges of the heart, no matter how old we are, how experienced or how virtuous a soul we have.

It's all boils down to meeting these challenges and accepting them. I will try my best to continue this
and follow my heart. But this needs to be done with the mind as a travelling companion and resident as well. They back each other up and reinforce our own understanding of how to live a happy life. <3


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