Monday, December 29, 2014

How was 2014???


                                                                      This time of year everyone seems to blog and write about the past eleven and seven eights months and how their lives were affected, new events that occurred and all of the juicy bits of gossip that were devoured. I refuse to go through all of that and relive the past events. Sure, it was an up and down year, mostly up, as they all are. So many things happened that I'd rather readers here go back and look at my blog posts to read it for themselves. Therefore, enjoy the past additions to this blog and add any comments to this if you feel I have been in error. :-P

                                                                      Now, what is AHEAD of me are the looming numbers of 2015.  Yep, we all have the luxury and privilege of attending this party as we did make it this far. Many did not. So we raise a glass to 2014 and celebrate the year to come and what it may bring us. Have you made a list out of things YOU want to do, to accomplish or to achieve in the next year? Um...seems we ALL do this every year and somehow manage to get sidetracked by March. Are they always the same with everyone? Lose weight, get healthy, eat better, blah,blah,blah. Gym memberships surge for the first two months, then die out as people tire of the new routine and cease the new year's resolutions. I have a short list of things that I want to accomplish in the upcoming year of twenty and fifteen. Having learned in the past to keep the list short and reachable, this years has not changed a great deal from that in 2014. Hence, it might be as boring as hell to most.

   The first and foremost "activity" that I want to continue on and improve on is...  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Improving my shakuhachi   playing, practice and knowledge. Last year was a big year for me as regards learning and this must continue. hence the new blog         I have started at www.

Last year was not the greatest for my running though a delightful reward of concentrating on 5 miles and under for strength,speed and breathing certainly paid off. I ran fewer miles in 2014 but was injury free for most of it. I did have some arthritis and sciatica issues but as those are not injuries, I was pretty happy with the results, especially the races, taking a Masters award at the final race of the year. Taking first over 40's was a tremendously exciting accomplishment for me at the age of 48 yrs old. Ending the year with that and starting a new year with a clean slate.

Number three, or "drei"? get back into my German studies and to where I was a few years ago. Since then I have tried a few other languages, notably, Welsh. And those who have read past posts know I did OK with it and really enjoyed what was learned. but my brain simply had issues with the language. Some people can learn any language, some cannot. Some have issues with certain ones and this is what happened with me. Welsh and I have a friendship still but are no longer partners. And time needs to be spent on a language that I do WELL with and is also a lot more functional for me. German is certainly it as it has been part of my life since age fifteen, in high school. So, while I'm not sure when during the year I will tackle it again, it will happen. 

                                                   There you have it. My New Years list of things to accomplish and work on. Of course, this is in addition to the daily list of mindfulness, reading, writing, running loving and other activities that are part of my routine. I have now two blogs, five Facebook groups and numerous penpals as well as a busy social life. All of these things keep me really happy and busy for sure. Might get into the freelance photography field again as work so this upcoming year is going to be an interesting one indeed!! Stay tuned!!

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