Monday, March 30, 2015

Kilt Challenge complete!!


                                                       It has been a interesting indeed, but day 30 has arrived of my Kilt Challenge. When it was started, I felt I wouldn't have enough combinations of kilt and shirts to make this much fun or to get into the part. Well, I was able to finagle things and at least be presentable with the kilts I own. Now that the wardrobe issue was settled, what I REALLY wanted to find out was how I'd react to a kilt daily and if that would put me off of doing this from now on. How would people react, discuss and see me as I wore it daily. These questions were answered quickly.
But, before that is revealed, here are all thirty days of kilt pics!!  March 1-30, 2015: (apologies for the same pose in so many. I admit to being a photographer but not the most photogenic person at all)


So, there you have all thirty days worth of daily kilt wearing. Now, to answer the above questions. How did people react to my kilt wearing in general? I get mixed reactions depending on where I go. If I'm at the supermarket I usually have positive remarks passed, along with every person I meet saying how they have Scottish heritage and so on and so on. Yep. Never fails. And that's fine. Then the ever present "Do you play the bagpipes?", which is usually THE first question asked by most everyone. Horrible stereotype of kilt wearing folk but, it comes with the territory.

The reactions from those at drinking establishments are a bit less enjoyable as there seems to always be a someone who has to make a remark about it. You know, the "nice skirt" or "nice dress" crap that one expects from drunks or ignorant people. These always come from men. Only once have I had an adult female say such a thing, that during a half marathon I ran. She was very quickly corrected by many others around her, loudly and with snarkiness.
She was educated very quickly about a kilt vs skirt.

Some days are better than others when people are concerned. Again, that's fine. I don't take offense but admittedly it does not make one feel really warm and happy when stares without smiles are the usual reaction. But, such is life. I LOVE wearing my kilts. And when I do, usually it turns out to be a most positive experience. I'd say 90% of the time.
And I'd say the ratio of those who make comments are 75% women vs 25% men. Perhaps a homophobic thing or just shy men. Not sure but I don't mind at all the attention from the feminine side of humans nor the men. It is a kilt! No need to be shy with compliments. But, if you want to be a smart ass and try to show off your ignorance in front of your friends and family, go for it. I have responses to all known comments. :-) 

Now, I have been wearing kilts quite often for a few years. But this is the first time I've ever worn it this often, this long. And I will say that I would not want to do it daily. I simply have too many other wardrobes necessary for my activities to be changing all the time, back and forth. Now, if I find a job soon (anyone looking for a kilt wearing employee who is semi talented at many things) and can wear it daily, sure, I will do that. Otherwise, I shall go back to wearing it two to three times a week and enjoying it that way. This challenge was a fun experiment. Frustrating at times, irritating at others and delightful at least 2/3 of the time. Hope you like the photos. The last here was my favourite pic of all.


1 comment:

  1. Hi! That is a cool experiment. I like the last picture too. The last picture looks more Scottish to me. I think men think wearing kilts are not manly enough. But as the saying goes it takes a real man to wear one. I think that my fiance would even wear one. He has wore green tights before.

    Anita Newman @ UT Kilts
