Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Springtime fever


                                                                As spring has arrived in the Pacific Northwest, I find myself caught in a limbo of sorts. With no job as yet and lots of time after chores,etc....I find cabin fever setting in and something needed to be done!! First, my shakuhachi practice was going to be foremost in a daily routine. That didn't work out too well. Neither did keeping a schedule of meditation every day. Add the other tasks that I enjoyed, such as writing and reading....nope. Ugh. I needed to stay away from Netflix, that one eyed monster of a TV and to get myself disciplined! Easier said than done!!  It was sucking thoughts out of my mind! Like this....

  So, turning that TV off was a critical thing. This, I have been doing at a much better pace , with less and less time spent in front of that beast. As I like documentaries the most, this was tough. One learns a lot from these programs and can really make them beneficial. Alas, they were still draining my time. Now, I needed to structure my time a bit. This is a recent development and I know I shall have to work hard at it to make progress. Especially, in my practice times and getting some writing done. Fortunately I was able to get some poetry written last week and am doing better with time management.

My blogs need some attention as well. I so wanted to blog more often, but life gets in there and takes away some of those hours. Therefore, I will be making some schedule changes in order to get back here to blog a bit more.

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